Hello there!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Hello there world!

I have started a new blog (yay?). Mainly because I didn't want to have my personal and my nail blog on different platforms and Blogger is a billion times better than Wordpress so here I am! I will be posting on here from now on, hopefully a lot more frequently than I did on my old blog. I will be keeping my old blog up  as it has a LOT of old posts on it, but I'll just be posting everything brand new on here from now on.

I'm hoping to do weekly wrap-ups of what I've been up to, providing that my week has been interesting enough! As well as this I'll be providing you with my thoughts, and feelings on a range of topics from TV to news etc. Also there is my Nail blog which you can check out here.

If there is anything you want to see on this blog in particular then don't be afraid to leave me suggestions!

Also can I be the first to say how awesome I think my blog banner is! It's just a small collection of my favourite things until I can get someone awesome to draw me a better one!

That's all for now!

 photo signature_zpsdqnlsjzz.png

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