Primark Haul #2!

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Today I was lucky enough to get my deposit back from my house at university, and seeing as me and mum were heading into Reading, I thought I might as well treat myself in Primark. I know how much I love reading every one else's haul posts, so I thought I would do another one!

I'm really loving the whole American/Varsity style t-shirt trend that has been going on, I've been staring at clothes like the ones pictured here for a long time and I couldn't help myself, I had to finally grab some.

My mum found this really cute tank top in the reduced section, it was only £3! I love Lady Gaga, and the slogan was just so brilliant.

I knew before I even got to Reading that one of my goals was to get a couple more shirts for work, and I ended up with these two beauties.

Obviously I love the one that is blue and has hearts on, with blue being my favourite colour. The yellow one is so beautiful and simple though, I've really been going mad for the colour yellow at the minute and I knew I HAD to get a top like this for work. It will make me feel all bright and happy this summer when I'm stuck in the office (I hope).

Some more work clothes on my list were cardigans, I currently have a black and a grey one, so I thought it was about time I put some colour into my cardigan choices.

I couldn't resist getting a blue one, someone seriously needs to stop me buying blue clothes, they are literally my weakness. The mint green striped one was too cute, and I couldn't help myself.

You may be surprised to hear that I don't really wear skirt, I mostly were dresses and jeans, however I've been lusting after skirts for a while now, so I took the plunge and bought a couple, we'll see if they actually see the light of day.

The pattern on this skirt was so beautiful that I had to get a close up for you:

I'm obsessed with skater skirts at the minute, and also denim, so this was the perfect skirt for me, and it looks beautiful on! I'm hoping that these two will help me break out of this weird anti-skirt relationship that I seem to have gotten into with clothes.

Of course it wouldn't be a Primark trip for me if I didn't buy a dress.

The camera really didn't do the colour of this justice so I attempted to get a close up of this too!

I love this print so much, and the colour is just divine! I was actually surprised that this was the only dress I bought, I normally come out of Primark with at least 3!

Finally, the accessories! I actually bought shoes this time, which I normally refused to do in Primark. These teal pretties were only £3, and I'm sure I'll be wearing them a lot this summer!

I fell in love with these beauties and knew I had to have them! I'm a fan of this kind of sole on shoes, but I'm not a fan of the full blown 'creeper' trend, so these are the perfect compromise for me!

Another trend I am obsessed with right now is the whole American flag thing that seems to be going on. I almost bought a denim jacket with an American flag pattern on the shoulders, but I restrained myself and just got the bag.

Finally as I was queuing I came across this water bottle. I drink a lot of water at work and I've just been using empty coke bottles that I had floating around, but I thought I might as well get something a little more interesting and permanent. Plus it has owls on it, and we all know how they are my weakness...

So there you have it, I've been very naughty in Primark today! I hope you've enjoyed having a little nosey into what I bought today! I hope you are having a good day where ever you are.

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Animal Crossing Diary: Week #1

Saturday, 22 June 2013

I was seriously excited when my copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf arrived on Tuesday. It shipped last Thursday and everyday I'd come home hoping that it was there, I had a while to wait but I haven't been disappointed! I thought it would be cool to write these like a diary entry from the point of view of my character, which is called Alyssia, obviously!

Dear Diary,

This week has certainly been a busy one, I've finally moved to Rosebush!

I was pretty surprised to see that everyone in town was at the station to welcome me, it's not every day that people welcome you in such an awesome way. Then I found out they thought that I was the new mayor! I tried to tell them that they had made a mistake, but they seemed pretty happy so I just went along with it! Isabelle, who is my new secretary, took me to the Town Hall and explained my role to me a bit more, and explained that I need to apply for a permit to be mayor. To get the permit, I needed an address, meaning I needed a house. So I was sent off to Nooks Homes, to see to that.

Firstly I had to pick a spot for my new house, so I chose to place it between the river and the ocean, so that I have plenty of options when I want to go fishing! Then until I could afford a down payment, Tom Nook put a tent in it's spot so that I would have somewhere to sleep.

I didn't have any furniture to start with so to be honest it was looking kind of bare. After I had sorted this I dashed back to the Town Hall to see Isabelle, she told me it was time for the tree planting ceremony, to mark my arrival as the new mayor in Rosebush.

Just like that I was officially Mayor! To complete my permit I need an approval rating of 100 percent from the residents of Rosebush, so for now I am working on that, and I've also been enjoying the town.

Catching up on my fishing....

My new duties as mayor....

Visiting the museum....

AND I finally made the down payment on my house, meaning, it could finally get built!

Here it is, my first home that's all my own! With a Blue roof, my favourite colour!

I even had time to enjoy the Summer Solstice yesterday, Isabelle set up this cute photo boothy thingy, and I had fun taking my picture there!

Finally I've just been meeting the townspeople and making new friends! I'm hoping that next week as going to be just as fun as this one!

Fingers Crossed!
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Giveaway Winners Announced!

Friday, 21 June 2013

So my giveaway ended today, so it's time to announce the winners!

The first prize of 12 Macarons goes to....... MICHELLE LOUISE PAN!

The second prize of 6 Macarons goes to...... GILLIAN HOLMES!

And the third prize of a 15% off voucher for the Mighty Macaron is....... GEORGINA DAVIES!

Congratulations ladies, I've emailed you all with how to claim your prize! Thank you everyone who entered, and don't forget to check out the Mighty Macaron!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Nintendogs Diary #1: Meet Chief!

Saturday, 15 June 2013

I got my 3DS a few weeks ago and I'm ashamed to say that I haven't played it as much as I would have liked! Anyway I like that it's a crime if you own a DS and don't own a copy of Nintendogs. Yeah it can get a bit boring, but who can say they genuinely don't think the little dogs and cats are cute! I bought my copy preowned so when I first loaded it there was a rather neglected looking dachshund on the screen, a quick erase of the data and I was ready to go!

The problem I always have with this game is that I never know what breed to choose. I love all breeds of dogs, if it's a dog you can guarantee that I will squeal in joy when I see it! The best thing about this game is they've really worked on the way the dogs look, obviously they are never going to look 100% realistic, but they are much cuter than in the original Nintendogs! Anyway... after half an hour of agonising over all the breeds I settled on a Shiba Inu, which just happens to be one of my favourite breeds!

Ladies and gentlemen... meet Chief! My little (virtual) Shiba Inu puppy! I may not be able to get one of these little beauties in real life, but for now I'll be satisfied with this little guy! Isn't he just the cutest?

He even looks fuzzy, unlike the original nintendogs, which were kind of flat, he looks cute and fuzzy and soft and you just want to cuddle him! Right? I also like that the flooring looks a lot more realistic than it did in the other games. I think the new overall design is so much better!

This is him giving me his 'right paw'. Instead of the original 'Shake' command they now have 'right paw' and 'left paw'. I'm not really sure why, I always thought one paw was sufficient!

I really like this picture, I bought him this collar pretty much as soon as I got him, and I think it makes him look so cute!

I've only been playing with him for a little while, but I'm already in love. Please tell me I'm not the only adult that likes playing Nintendogs? I think it's a good way for me to satisfy my insane craving to own a basically one of every breed of dog! I've only taught him a couple of tricks so far, but I'm hoping that come tomorrow he'll be ready for his first obedience competition!

Please let me know if you enjoyed this post and want to see more posts like these? I am waiting on a delivery of Animal Crossing and already have 4 other bloggers to play that with! I'm thinking of doing an Animal Crossing diary and other general gaming diaries of whatever I play. It's much easier with 3DS games because you can take screen shots pretty much anytime! So watch this space for lots more gaming things!

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Liebster Award!

Sunday, 9 June 2013

So I've been nominated for a liebster award by the lovely Anne of Braids & Blouses. This is actually the second time this blog has been nominated, but the first time I never actually got around to writing the post (naughty), so here goes!

The rules are as follows
  1.  Mention who nominated you for the award.
  2. Each person nominated must list 11 different things about themselves.
  3. Answer 11 questions that the previous tagger has left you.
  4. Create your own 11 questions.
  5. Tag up to 11 blogs with less than 200 followers!
So let's do this thing!

11 Facts About Me:
  1. I've just finished university
  2. My favourite colour is Blue (as if you didn't know)
  3. I've just started a full time job in an office
  4. I have a Jack Russell called Maizey
  5. I have one brother called Markus, and a sister called Letitia who writes a blog here.
  6. I went to university in Wales
  7. I love playing video games
  8. I'm obsessed with Youtube and the internet
  9. I'm addicted to cheese, I put too much cheese on all my foods (well most of them)
  10. I drive a seriously old Nissan Micra
  11. I'm terminally single
Questions from Anne:

1. Why do you like to blog?
I love blogging because it gives me a place to escape to. It also gives me something else to think about when I am worrying about my job, or life in general. It gives me somewhere to positively focus my energy.

2. Your favourite song?
At the moment my favourite song is Wild by Jessie J, but not too long ago it was Daft Punk - Get Lucky.

3. Which fashion trend do you hate?
I'm not massively fashionable, however I can't stand camouflage printed things. You wait, this time next year it will be all the rage again and no doubt I'll eat my words... 

4. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
L.A all the way. I'd get to see all my favourite Youtubers all the time, and it would probably be the best place to get into the film industry, which is where I eventually want to end up!

5. Who is your celebrity style inspiration?
Again, I'm not a very trendy person, but I guess I do love Jessie J's style, even though I couldn't wear half the stuff she does...

6. Heels or Flats?
I do love the way heels make my legs look, but flats all the way. I prefer to be comfortable to be honest!

7. Favourite part of the body?
I've already written about this recently, but I love eyes... There's something about someone's eyes that can really tell you something about them.

8. Biggest celebrity crush?
Johnny Depp all the way, failing him I have a serious soft spot for Taylor Lautner!

9. If you could have a dinner party with 5 people dead or alive who would they be?
Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Michael Jackson, Jessie J, and The Wanted. I've counted The Wanted as one person as they are a boy band... that counts right? Well this would certainly be a weird ass dinner party. I wonder what we'd eat... Pizza most likely!

10. A photo of the last thing you bought.

I bought a couple of books today! I love these book covers they are so cute! 

11. Favourite Book and Movie?
My favourite books are the Hunger Games Books, and I don't have a favourite movie. My favourite genre is Horror, and anything Tim Burton or Johnny Depp is always going to be in my top list!

The People I've Nominated:

Peace Love Gaming (Link now broken) - K
What Rach Loves (Link now broken) - Rachel
Squidgy Moments - Kathleen
Lullaby for Pies - Magdalena

My Questions to My Nominee's:
  1. Your Favourite film?
  2. Your blog idol?
  3. Your favourite music artist?
  4. A picture of your favourite shoes.
  5. Your favourite shop?
  6. If you had to eat one kind of food for the rest of your life what would it be?
  7. If you could have ONE superpower, what would you pick and why?
  8. Vampires or Werewolves? And Why?
  9. What was the last thing you baked?
  10. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?
  11. Favourite breed of dog?
So there you have it! I hope you enjoyed this quick post, don't forget to check out the people I nominated, and thanks again to Anne for nominating me!
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Nakd Natural Snacks Product Review

Saturday, 8 June 2013

I got asked by my contact at Total Media if I would like to review some products for the Natural Balance Foods company, and I basically got to pick a box of my choice. As soon as I saw this Nakd box I knew I had to give it a try. The packaging is so eye-catching, so the picture above shows what greeted me when I opened up the box. I got sent two of each of the products photographed below.

I got sent six yummy flavours of their snack bars. Each of these bars are made with real fruit and nuts, and there are no added syrups or sugars. They simply cold-press the ingredients together into a bar. That's all there is to it. They are also 100% vegan, which is super awesome. I'll be honest, I was never a fan of healthy snack bars, always choosing a bar of chocolate instead, however I think I've been converted. The cocoa bars picture above are so chocolatey it's amazing! They are by far my favourites of the bunch. I also love Berry Delight! I'll be honest I wasn't a fan of the Banana Bread one, but that's just because I'm not a fan of banana products. I've been eating these at work everyday, and they've certainly been putting a smile on my face! I'd definitely recommend that you give these lovelies a go. I will definitely be repurchasing!

I also got sent three types of their flavour infused raisins. I wasn't too sure what to expect from these to be honest. I'm a massive fan of a chocolate covered raisin, but I've never had flavoured ones. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised, if I'm honest they taste just like sweets! I can see how you could use these to encourage a child to eat raisins, they were delicious. These little beauties are dairy and gluten free, they are just raisins infused with citric acid flavouring, and there are no added sugars! These all natural beauties are so tasty, and I would certainly be slipping these into my child's lunchbox, well if I had a child... This is another product I will be repurchasing!

So there you have it, there is my review of the Nakd snack bars, and raisins. Seriously if you are looking for a healthy snack that tastes good then I recommend you go out and purchase these. The bars contain no more than 150 calories, and the raisins are only 68 calories a packet! Seriously, go and buy them! Definitely make sure that you at least go and check out the Snack Bars! I'm so glad that I have enough of these babies for my lunch box next week!

Let me know in the comments if you've tried these before, or let me know if you want to try them after reading my review! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, I know I am ;)

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