31 Day Blog Challenge! Day 6! Your Last Random Act of Kindness

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

My last random act of kindness was actually yesterday. We were going to our location for ours day's filming, as I'm currently filming my 3rd year film project. For some reason the weather decided to be radically nice, and walking to location I started to get really hot. So I dumped the stuff at location and went to get a drink. Instead of just buying myself a drink, I also got a drink for a crew member, and my two actors. They weren't expecting anything from me, but because I knew it was a warm day, I thought they would appreciate it. 

I'll admit I'm not fantastic at doing little random acts of kindness. On occasion though, I like to stop and think about the people around me, and think about what they would appreciate me doing for them. Even if it's just baking something and sharing it with my friends.

What was your last act of random kindness?

Sorry today was a short one! Check out my other challenge days below:
  • Day 1 - Self Portrait and 5 random facts
  • Day 2 - Favourite Quotes
  • Day 3 - What makes you happy?
  • Day 4 - Best Childhood Memories
  • Day 5 - Movies I never get sick of.

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  1. I also bake and give to friends. They enjoy it and I enjoy the baking. Very sweet of you to get drinks for the others.

  2. That's really nice of you. I'm sure you made their day doing that.

  3. So nice! I spend time on film sets too - sweet acts like that are remembered forever!

  4. Cold drinks on a hot day are the absolute best! I'm sure they were super appreciative!

  5. I love reading about what others are doing for others. I would be thrilled with a cold drink on a hot day...
