Sum Up Sunday #2

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Untidy desk, Dan and Phil SIM, Our Christmas Tree, Cupcake Thursdays at work, Home-made Calzone, Christmas Coke Zero, Frozen T-shirt, Beautiful Boots, Mocktails in Bristol.

This week has certainly been an interesting one, not a lot actually happened to me during the week, and as my thumb was still recovering I didn't get up to a lot either. I've properly settled in at work now, and I'm a bit of an untidy worker, with paper everywhere, and just generally being messy. 

This week Tim and I ordered our Christmas tree for a mere £25, so when it arrived we wanted to put it up to make sure that it didn't look cheap, and to our surprise it looks pretty good. It is still standing in the living room waiting to be decorated tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled for pics of it when it's done!

Every other Thursday at work we get cupcakes delivered, and they always come nicely boxed up and looking tempting. I'm in love with the Banoffee ones, which surprises me as I'm not a massive fan of banana. I actually had two cupcakes this week, because a lot of our team were out of office, and I couldn't let them go to waste!

In general this week I have had some fairly good food, including a lovely home-made Calzone with chicken and pepperoni, made by my lovely boyfriend. We also went to Bristol on Friday for one night, to start our Xmas shopping, and had two lovely meals out. We visited Giraffe on the Friday night and I had this lovely refreshing mocktail called a wavebreaker, with Pineapple and coconut, that reminded me of being on holiday somewhere warm and sipping cocktails by the pool.

I also managed to try a few new items of clothing this week, that had been sitting in the wardrobe waiting to be worn. My favourite top I now own in the world was finally worn this week, and that is my Frozen T-shirt. It's so cute, and in a lovely mix of blues, and we all know how much I love Blue. Also I managed to wear these beautiful boots that my dad treated me to a few weeks ago, they are absolutely stunning, and I can't wait to wear them again.

Whilst we were in Bristol we even managed to do a fair bit of our Christmas shopping, and we plan to get the rest done (apart from our presents for eachother) today, so that we can simply relax for the rest of December!

This week I'm...

Reading: Mary Berry's autobiography, still... BUT I am only a few chapters away from finishing it!

Listening To: Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus, and being transported back to my early teenage years...

Feeling: Excited for Christmas! Can't wait to decorate our living room tomorrow!

Looking Forward to: The Vodafone Christmas Party that I have been invited to at the Racecourse :)
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My Wishes Tag

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Yes I have finally made a new video! It's the My Wishes Tag created by Cutiepiemarzia, you can see the original video here. Below are the seven questions that I answered, and I tag you all to take on the Tag as well!

1. What do you wish you knew when you were younger? 2. Where do you wish you could live? 3. What is one thing you wish you could do? 4. What would you wish to be better at? 5. What did you wish to become when you were little?6. Is there anything you wish you could change about the world? 7. What is your "biggest wish"?

I also tag my sister Letitia, Beth from Beth Tinkerbell and Becky from Becky Bedbug to take on the tag!

Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed the video and also whether you would like to see me take on Vlogmas!
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Wishlist Wednesday: Christmas Party Dresses

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

I don't know about you all, but I am getting really excited for Christmas. Tim and I have just bought our tree, we are going to Bristol to the Christmas market this Friday/Saturday, I'm planning a Christmas meal for our families, and I got invited to my first ever Vodafone Christmas Party!

With that in mind, I thought it was about time I started looking into getting some pretty dresses for this holiday season, and lets just say I've fallen for quite a few...

From top left to bottom right:

  1. Irinah Lace Organza Skater Dress - Misguided - £36.99
  2. Mela Green Floral Jacquard Skater Dress - New Look - £30.00
  3. Parisian Gold Halterneck Contrast Tile Sequin Dress - New Look - £27.99
  4. Purple Velvet Sweetheart Bardot Neck Skater Dress - New Look - £17.99
  5. Clara Dress - Chi Chi - £66.99
  6. Cara Dress (link no longer active) - Chi Chi - £44.99
  7. Renesmee Dress - Chi Chi - £64.99
  8. Star Print Dress - Love Label - £35.00
  9. Dazzling Jacquard Dress - Joe Brown - £63.00
I literally can't pick which I'd rather have between the Gold Sequin Halter-neck or the Clara Dress from Chi Chi. I guess when I have the money to finally buy either, I'll just have to go with the flow!

What Christmas Party Dress are you hoping to snap up this year?

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A-Z of Me: E is for Embarrassing

Monday, 24 November 2014

I think I'm probably a pretty embarrassing person, and I'm not just talking embarrassing for the people around me, I also mean embarrassing for myself.

First off, from a very young age I was taught to have fun and let myself go, so as soon as an opportunity presented itself I'd happily make a fool of myself. Now don't get me wrong, I was no class clown at school or anything like that, but at a party I would really come alive. I think being bullied in secondary school meant that it was easier for me to make a joke out of myself, rather than let other people make a joke out of me. 

Secondly, I can never take a decent photo. Around the time that camera phones became big, and every one started taking photos of themselves I realised I really don't take a good picture. So instead I decided I would take funny pictures. There are literally a million hilarious pictures of me on my Facebook profile, because I prefer to pull a funny face than attempt a nice picture for it onlyto look bad...

Thirdly embarrassing things just happen to me... The other day at work a bird pooed on my head. At the time I was walking into the canteen with a colleague, and it was the first time we had been to lunch together alone. Thankfully she didn't notice, and neither did anyone else and I got myself cleaned up without too much of an issue. Now yesterday mum came to pick me up, and as I was walking out to the car I slipped on a mossy path, and took a nice big chunk out of my thumb. Thankfully only my mum saw me fall over, but now I've got my thumb all bandaged up! Literally anything that can happen to me, will happen to me. I find that it's always at the most inappropriate of moments that something embarrassing will happen to me. Thankfully I have a slightly thicker skin than most due to the above reasons, so whenever something embarrassing presents itself I tend to do pretty well!

Let me know in the comments the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently, and share in my embarrassment...

See my other A-Z of me posts here.
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Sum Up Sunday #1

Sunday, 23 November 2014

My Animal Crossing Diary, Starbucks at work, Trying sleepy tea, Yogurt covered cranberries, Blueberry Pancakes, Cute bear hat, My favourite Mac 'n' cheese, Injuring my thumb, Pin the dummy on the baby.

This week has been pretty full on. At work I have been bogged down, and trying to get used to a completely new job role. Don't get me wrong, I am really enjoying it, there is just a hell of a lot to do, and also remember. I haven't really had a lot of time for me this week, but I've got a few more exciting things coming up next week, so I can't wait for those!

I'm really enjoying getting back into Animal Crossing, if you haven't been following you can read my first two diary entries here and here. I'm making some serious progress on this game, and even making some new friends.

The best thing about where I work is being able to go and grab a Starbucks or a Costa not even a stones throw away. On top of that we get sent (free) fruit boxes twice a week, packed full of all different fruits. This week a lot of our team were working from home, so by Friday there was plenty up for grabs, including a punnet of blueberries. I snagged them and decided to make blueberry pancakes, which I had never actually tried. They will no be making their way into my regular recipes.

Yesterday Tim and I went to look for a Baby shower gift (for today), but couldn't find anything, I did however find this cute bear hat, which I didn't buy, but may go back for by the end of the month. Tim then made his Mac 'n' Cheese for myself and his mum, who thoroughly enjoyed it! It is seriously the best Mac 'n' Cheese in the world, no lie.

Today I had a baby shower to attend, and having not found a gift yesterday, mum decided to pick me up early so that we could go and take a look at Mothercare. Unfortunately as I was making my way to her car I slipped on a rather mossy path and took a rather big chunk out of my thumb. As I type this it is splinted with a lolly stick, and wrapped in cotton wool. I fear I may have done something a little worse than simply taking a chunk out of my thumb, as I am in extreme pain whenever I bend it. If it hasn't calmed down by tomorrow, I will be taking a trip up to A&E...

Other than that today was really fun, we played a couple of games at the baby shower, including pinning the dummy on the baby, in which I managed to get mine on the babies shoulder. My mum also decided we would play the 'Smell the Nappy' game, in which we were given 5 nappies to smell and had to guess what was in them. All of them (apart from one) were chocolate, so it wasn't anything too gross, and the final one was peanut butter and mustard, which I managed to guess without issue! The baby shower was for my uncles girlfriend and she only has about a month left of her pregnancy, and I honestly can't wait to meet my newest cousin!

This week I'm...

Reading: Mary Berry's autobiography, which is taking me longer to read than it really should be.

Listening To: The Hoosiers, The Trick to Life. An album that I was obsessed with as a teen, and have recently rediscovered.

Feeling: Sick :-( Mainly due to the pain I am in with my thumb, I hope this passes by tomorrow.

Looking Forward to: Going to Bristol next weekend with Tim, it'll be very nostalgic, and Christmassy! 

I hope you're week was good, and I'll speak to you all again next week!

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Animal Crossing Diary: Week Two

Friday, 21 November 2014

Welcome back to my Animal Crossing Diary! This week was a week of getting stuff done, and I managed to pay off a few things, and as such grow my town a little. So here's exactly what happened in Rosebush this week.

The first thing I did this week was updated my outfit. I kept my hair and glasses the same, because I am really loving the combination of the two at the moment. Then I managed to find this pattern online, I am wearing the turquoise and brown version of the outfit. I even bought myself some new boots to go with it, which I think look very autumnal,

Then I visited the island to play some mini-games, which I am totally obsessed with by the way! I even managed to rope in a few other players into a couple of games, which made it all the more fun.

The fortune teller Katrina came to town, and I had her read my fortune. She foresaw that I would have great luck if I acquired the Cherry Tee item, so I may be scouting that out for next week.

After reading my Animal Crossing Diary last week the lovely Hannah from Hannah Heartss contacted me to see if I would like to play sometime, and we arranged to visit each other's towns. I seriously love the hat that Hannah's character is wearing here...

Whilst in my town we visited the island and I persuaded Hannah to take on a few mini-games. We took on a fruit maze, and also a free-diving challenge, and we both managed to do pretty well.

Hannah has the coffee shop in her town, which is something that I haven't got yet, so of course I had to make a stop there to see good old Brewster, who I haven't seen since Wild World. He made me a cup of the Bluebell blend, and it was lovely.

Finally Hannah took me to see her house, and I was in awe. She has the biggest house you can get in New Leaf, and she's done quite a lot with it. My favourite room is the Ice room, mainly because it reminds me so much of Frozen. I am dying to get my hands on this furniture, so if anyone has any spare, I would definitely take it off of your hands! I must say that it was really fun meeting Hannah and getting a chance to run around someone else's town, and I hope we can do it again soon!

This week was a good one for me in terms of paying things off. I managed to pay off my Home Loan, and also completed a Public Works Project which had been open for a little while. So I was feeling pretty impressed with myself.

Tom Nook even built me an extension, by enlarging my first floor room. That was the good news, the bad news is, he is charging me almost 500,000 Bells for the job... This racoon is a crook...

So there we have it folks, that's what I've gotten up to in the world of Animal Crossing this week. If you play Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and would like to visit my town, then please feel free to tweet me!

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Thankful Thursday #5

Thursday, 20 November 2014

This week has been busy to say the least, my new role at work actually came into place, after a whole week of training. We've encountered a tonne of issues, but we are slowly working through them. Originally I was supposed to be taking over the role 100% next week, but I think my boss has realised that it may be a bit ambitious, so will be giving me another 'transition' week.

Anyway, enough about that, here's what I am thankful for this week:

My Lock Screen Photo: My mum posted the above photo of my dog on Facebook this week, and whenever I look at it, I can't help but giggle. I dare you to try and look at it without laughing! So to cheer myself up during a high pressure week at work, I set this as my lock screen, so every time I look at my phone, there is Maizey grinning at me.

Candlelit Baths: Tim went away to visit a friend in Leicester, and I had my brother to stay to keep me company. BUT on Sunday night I was all alone, so I lit my favourite Black Cherry candles, crumbled some of my Lush Christmas Penguin into a bath, and even popped on a face mask. It was such a nice relaxing soak, I may have to make it a weekly thing.

Cute Tissue Boxes: I've had a terrible cold this week, and I was stuck at work, with nothing but some rough kitchen paper to wipe my nose with. I decided that I couldn't go on like that, so went to Wilkinson's and found this cute tissue box. It contains 60 super soft tissues, and was only 85p per box!

Let me know in the comments what you are thankful for this week!

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Wishlist Wednesday: Video Game Edition

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

This week i've been thinking about Gaming a lot, so I thought I would share with you, what is on my gaming wishlist.
  • Mario Kart 7 3DS: I know this has been out ages, but I haven't played with my DS in a long time, and I finally picked it back up this week!
  • Just Dance 2015: A game that I LOVE to play with my sister and humiliate my boyfriend with, why wouldn't I want this?
  • The Lego Movie Game: I loved the movie, so I'm fairly sure I would love the game.
  • Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask: I like Mystery Games, and Professor Layton games always have an awesome storyline.
  • Assassin's Creed Unity: *Cue line I have said 1 million times already* The Assassin's Creed Series is my absolute favourite, and the only series I have completed in full (except Black Flag which I am currently playing), so this is a must have for me!
  • Sunset Overdrive: As soon as I saw the trailer for this game I knew I had to have it. It really reminds me of Mirror's Edge, and even a little of Jet Set Radio Future, which was won of my favourite games when I was a little younger.
Let me know in the comments which video games you are currently loving, or which are on your wishlist!

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Bloggers Kindle Book Club: Revival!

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

You may remember that way back when I decided to start up a Bloggers book club! After a month it all fizzled out, mainly because I was so busy, having just moved into a new place with Tim, and starting a new job.

Fast forward to now and I am feeling 100% more settled, and am ready to pick this up properly now! That's where you come in, I'm looking to recruit more people to get involved in the book club, it's all about having fun, sharing books, and being able to have a good natter together. I'm really excited about it, and I hope you all will be too!

Here's how it should work:

  • Each month everyone will suggest a book for the group to read.
  • We will have a poll to decide which book gets chosen that month.
  • The book will have to be under £5, and available on the Amazon Kindle Store
  • The last Sunday of every month there will be a BKBC chat in the Facebook group that I have created
  • We will use #BKBC on Twitter, so you can follow it on there
  • You are free to blog about your thoughts on the book after the monthly BKBC chat. (so that you don't accidentally share spoilers if others aren't as far ahead as you are!)
So the plan is that we will start reading the next book on the 1st of December. There is currently a post in the Facebook Group, where you can leave suggestions of what book you would like to read. I have suggested that maybe we could read a Christmas themed book, but you can suggest anything you want! Then next week I will be holding a poll so everyone can decide which book they would like to read, the one with the most votes will win! Everyone will have until the beginning of January to finish the book, and then we can all chat about it/write about it together!

If you would like to get involved then please ask to join the Facebook Group, and I can't wait to get started!
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Animal Crossing Diary: Week One (Again)

Monday, 17 November 2014

Hello everyone, and welcome back to my Animal Crossing Diary! I did write my first post on this a long time ago, which you can find here. Having not played Animal Crossing for 6 Months, I thought that it was about time that I picked it up again... I made sure that I took lots, and lots of photos to share what I got up to with you guys, so here goes...

When I first emerged from my house, I was looking a little worse for wear. My hair was all over the place, and I was still wearing my wetsuit.

First I decided it was best if I head off and talk to all of my villagers, a lot of them were shocked to see me, as you can see. Wart Jr. thought I was dead, Katt didn't seem all that bothered by my disappearance, and Hans got a little bit intense with me...

Next I decided that a trip to Shampoodle was in order, to get my messy lilac locks sorted out. Harriet didn't disappoint me and ended up giving me a very sleek blue bob, which even went with my outfit!

I went to check out some accessories, and fell in love with this crown, although I was bowled over by how much they were asking for it, obviously I had to leave it...

Then came operation 'Clean Up', as you can imagine after a 6 month absence my town was overrun with weeds. Thankfully I managed to get rid of them pretty quickly and now my town is back to looking beautiful in these lovely autumn colours.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that today was the fishing tourney when I logged back in, so I thought I should get to work in trying to win. Seeing as I am so good at fishing, it really didn't take me long to catch a good fish, and take the lead. Satisfied with my contribution I decided to run a few other errands before the winners ceremony.

I managed to catch myself a balloon, and inside was this multicoloured balloon hat, which I immediately put on! Hans looks seriously depressed in the background of these pictures...

After being away for so long, I unfortunately had a few unwelcome house guests, but I managed to get rid of those fairly easily.

I sold all the fish I had caught whilst looking for a big enough tournament fish, and managed to pay off a chunk of my loan from Tom Nook. I'm only 100,000 Bells in debt now! My goal is to pay this off next week.

I even went and did a spot of free-diving, which was my favourite additions to the Animal Crossing games when I got New Leaf. 

I even went and had a look on Tumblr for a cute new outfit, and I found this QR code for a dress inspired by The Rainbow Fish, which is a book I read as a child. I thought it was seriously perfect for the fishing tourney so put it on immediately. Also it goes pretty well with my hair and glasses right? Another thing I love about New Leaf is how easy it is to get a pattern that you love, that someone else has designed. Before you would have to carefully copy the pattern yourself, now you can simply read a QR code and have your new outfit it seconds. I myself am by no means any good at making AC patterns, so being able to find so many good ones online, that I can have within seconds, seriously makes me smile.

Finally it was time for the winners ceremony, and I was pleased to find that I had come first! I was given my Gold Fishing Tourney Trophy, and all the villagers clapped for me! Ankur, my favourite villager came in second, and Nan came third. 

All in all, I had a very good time picking this up again, and I can't wait to see what next week brings. Let me know in the comments if you play Animal Crossing New Leaf, and let me know how you got on in the fishing tourney!

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A-Z Of Me: D is for Dog Lover...

Sunday, 16 November 2014

I've mentioned many a time on this blog that I absolutely love dogs, in fact one day I want to own a big house with a portion of land so I can have a whole pack of dogs of all different shapes and sizes. There is no particular breed that I love most either, of course I have my favourites, but all in all I will cuddle any dog.

Currently I have a beautiful Jack Russell called Maizey, who currently lives with my mum, due to us not having a garden. She is about 6 years old, and is the love of my life. 

I remember when I went to get her like it was yesterday... My mum had promised me that I could have a dog for Christmas (I was 16 at the time), and I was obsessed with the idea of getting a teacup yorkshire terrier. 

I mean, who wouldn't want to cuddle this little cutie, right? My mum on the other hand, wasn't so keen on me getting a Teacup Yorkie, mainly because they were expensive. She saw an advert for some Jack Russell puppies, and arranged for us to go and take a look at them, knowing full well that I would not be able to resist a cute little puppy! Honestly I hadn't ever thought about having a Jack Russell, they weren't as cute to me as the tiny teacup doggies. 

So off we went to Maizeland Farm, a short drive away from where we lived. The lady at the farm directed us to a stable where the puppies were and I immediately fell in love with them all. The lady had left the stable door open, and I remember asking her if that was OK? Her response was, 'the puppies won't go near the open door, they are too shy, they'll stick close to their mummy'. I crouched down and was looking at all the cute puppies and I turn around, and there was Maizey, at the open door, looking like she was about to jump out. It was at that moment, that I knew she was the dog for me, I scooped her up, and we took her away. Ever since then we have been cuddle buddies.

I can't wait until Tim and I get our own place with a garden, so that I can bring my Maizey-moo to live with me... Other than my beautiful Maizey, I am dreaming of owning a few other little cuties, so I thought I would compile a list of breeds that I am currently obsessed with.

From top left to bottom right: Dachshund, Toy Pomeranian, Toy Poodle, Pomsky, Border Collie, Pug.

If I honestly had to say what was at the top of my list, it would have to be a toy pomeranian! They just look like fluffy little clouds...

Let me know in the comments what your favourite breed of dog is, I love to read your comments.

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