Sum Up Sunday #16

Sunday, 22 March 2015

This week was once again spent in London, as I undertook a 4 day Bridal Hair course. Whilst we did cover some hair techniques on my makeup course with DFMA I used to tremble when I was doing hair because I was so unconfident with it. So I decided that before I took on any wedding bookings for this summer that I should probably get more confident with hair so that I can offer both hair and makeup!

After four days I can honestly say that I can't believe I created all these styles! I now have a good idea of how to create a look, and cannot wait to get stuck in offering bridal hair and makeup.

Needless to say as I have been so busy this week, everything else has suffered, I haven't blogged pretty much all week, I haven't even had any time to play Star Stable! Next week I have a bit more time to myself, so it should be back to normal for me.

This Week I'm...

Reading: Stolen Night by Rebecca Maizel
Listening To: Disney songs after taking my mum to see Beauty and the Beast
Playing: Star Stable... when I get a chance to anyway!
Feeling: Tired after a long week
Looking Forward To: My first makeup job, which is on the 30th!!!
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24 Before 24: Update #1

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Apologies for lack of blogging this month, I'll be honest I am so busy at the moment. I am undertaking ANOTHER course, and I am also trying to get myself set up as a makeup artist, so yeah, it's been stressful. However all that aside I thought that it was about time to see how I am doing on my 24 Before 24 goals list. If you would like to read the original post which includes all the goals, and my reasons for picking them then please click here.

Become a Qualified Makeup Artist: COMPLETED!

I am so happy to say that this one is completed, as this is something that I have wanted to do for several years. It feels so amazing to be able to tell people that I am a makeup artist, I can't even begin to describe it!

Read 25 Books: STARTED!

So far I have managed to read 4/25 books, which isn't great to be honest, but a start is a start!

Go Sober: STARTED!

This one is a hard one to complete, because there is no real end for this goal. Since I decided to go Sober I have not had a drink, and I intend to keep this up, but when can I really consider this complete?

Take Up a Sport: STARTED!

I have looked into Ballroom Dance classes as this is something that I have done before, way back when I was studying my GCSE's! I've wanted to pick it back up again for the longest time, and so why not now. I will be starting classes next Thursday and I couldn't be more excited.


This is another goal that I can't be 100% sure when I have completed it, but I am fairly sure I have. Since making this goal back in February I discovered an app/website, that helps connect people that are just looking to meet new friends and socialise, that app is Meetup. You can search for meetups in your local area, and join any groups that sound interesting to you. Currently I am part of a ladies club, and a movie maniacs club. I have attended one meetup for each club so far, and everyone I have met seems perfectly lovely, and I can't wait to socialise with them some more.

So there are just some of the goals that I have made a start on, to be honest I feel like I am doing MUCH better this year than I have in the last two years, so I'm hopeful that I'll get 50% of this list ticked off!

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Sum Up Sunday #15

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Lush Eggception Bath Bomb, Makeup for my night out, Taking mum out, Cuddles with someone who's missed me

This week has been so much more chilled out than the last four weeks, I've had a lot more time to myself, and I have been trying to get into some sort of a routine.

Last Sunday I attended an event at the Lush store in Reading, which was seriously fun! It's always a pleasure to spend time with the staff in the Reading store as they are all really bubbly and lovely, and you can tell that they really enjoy their jobs, which makes you feel much more welcome. If you want to read about the even then you can do so here.

Since moving to Basingstoke, and having more time to myself, I have been looking into becoming more social, and meeting new people. For this I have joined a website called Meetup, on this you can search for social groups in your local area, you can join in activities run by these groups and meet new people. On Thursday night I went out for a Curry with one of these social groups for Basingstoke women, and met 4 lovely ladies, I felt at ease straight away, and it was nice to be able to chat with other women that weren't my mum or my sister! Then yesterday I attended another meetup for a brand new group in Basingstoke of people who enjoy watching films. I decided to drag Tim along to this meetup, though he was glad I did, as we met such interesting and new people that we wouldn't have met otherwise, and have already joined the next meetup for the group! Honestly if you are looking to meet new people then you should definitely get the Meetup app, it's been worth it for me so far!

Also yesterday I took my mum to see a Youth performance of Beauty and The Beast, her favourite Disney film. It was interesting to say the least, with forgotten lines, mic volumes that were all over the place, and flat singing... Me and mum had a great time though, we found some of it halarious, and to be honest it wasn't the worst youth performance I have ever seen!

Today I am at my mum's and I am having cuddles with my lovely dog Maizey, and chilling out, waiting to start cooking a roast for my mummy!

This Week I'm...

Reading: Makeup books, looking for inspiration for my next look!
Listening To: Fall Out Boy - Irresistible 
Playing: Star Stable (STILL not bored of it)
Feeling: Excited about starting my new life!
Looking Forward To: My first makeup job, whenever that will be!
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250 Blog Followers! What would you like to see me giveaway?

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Way back at the beginning of January, yes I say 'way back' I can't believe we are in March already! Anyhow I am getting off track... Way back in January I set my blogging resolutions for the year, you can check out the original post here.

Never in a million years did I expect that a mere two months later, that I would be writing a post to say that I have already reached one of those goals, and one that I really didn't expect to reach so quickly!

The goal I am talking about of course was to reach 250 bloglovin' followers by the end of 2015, and here I am sitting on 290 followers, and I am completely overwhelmed. Not only have I reached my target, but I have gone above it. Thank you so much to every single person that follows me, it means the absolute world to me.

Now I want to give something back to you! I will be hosting a 250 followers giveaway, but first I want to know what YOU want to be given away, so I have added a poll below for you to add your input. This poll will run until the end of March, and then the giveaway will run for the month of April, so go ahead and tell me what YOU want.

Once again, thank you so much for the support, I love each and every one of you!

What would you like to see me giveaway?

LUSH Goodies
Makeup Revolution Goodies
£20 Amazon Voucher
Poll Maker
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Wishlist Wednesday: Bobbi Brown Edition

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Ever since I have started blogging I have been aware of the brand Bobbi Brown, but I have never actually bought anything from them. Now seeing as I have completed my makeup course and I am looking at building a professional kit, I have been looking into this brand more and more. I am lucky enough to be going to an event in the Bobbi Brown Store in Covent Garden in a few weeks, whereby I should be able to pick up some bits with a pro discount, so I thought I'd better get on the website and select some must haves!

1. Long-wear Gel Liner: One of my tutors commented on how this was one of her favourite gel liners, and seeing as I prefer to work with a gel liner, I thought it may be good to check out.

2. Long-wear Smokey Eye Kit: This is the perfect kit to help you create a gorgeous smokey eye!

3. BBU Face Palette: A pro palette including concealers, and foundations, essential to any MUA kit.

4. Long-wear Even Finish Foundation: We were given MAC foundations in our kit, however I didn't really enjoy working with them too much, so I am looking to try some new ones, and these might be just the thing for me.

5. Creamy Concealer Kit: Everyone needs a good concealer right?

6. Long-wear Eye Base: We didn't really use eye primers on the course, but I wish we had as my eyeshadow application never turned out as smoothly as I wanted it to.

7. Brow Kit: I much prefer working with powders when it comes to filling in the brows as I feel like it just gives a more natural finish.

8. Artist Palette for lips: Another MUA kit essential right here.

9. Soothing Cleansing Oil: Something else I need to start adding to my kit is skincare, and this cleanser looks like it would be an amazing addition.

Looking at the list now I just know that I am going to have to narrow it down before I go to the event, otherwise I will end up going WAY overboard...

Let me know in the comments if you have anything from Bobbi Brown, and what your favourite is?
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#LUSHEaster and #LUSHmothersday Event in Reading

Monday, 9 March 2015

I was lucky enough to again be invited to a blogger event at the LUSH store in Reading, this time showcasing their Easter and Mothers Day Range! The last event I went to was the Christmas one, whihc you can read all about here. This time there were a lot more bloggers there, including the lovely Becky from Becky Bedbug who I hadn't seen in over a year! It was lovely to catch up and also meet a few new bloggers, and a few I met at the Christmas Event last year!

The evening kicked off with an Easter Egg hunt, there were Golden Eggs hidden all over the store (as in the picture above) and we had to rush around putting as many in our basket as we could. I got 4, and the winners got 6 each, but I wasn't disappointed as it was all in the name of good fun!

The there were three stations set up throughout the store, one for fragrance, one for Easter, and one for Mothers Day, and we got to wander between the stations getting demonstrations of all the products. We got to meet some of the lovely stuff, some who I have met before and some I hadn't but cannot wait to speak to again! I was bowled over by the sheer amount of products that we were shown, and by all the delicious floral and sweet scents that really got me in the mood for spring! I actually went to the event with the intention of only buying the carrot soap, which I am obsessed with after using the Snowman Fun at Christmas which has the same scent, but as it turned out there were so many other products that I also wanted to try, so I ended up buying more... I'm saving that for a Haul video though so you'll have to wait and see what I got!

As usual with these events LUSH was kind enough to give us a goodie bag each, in which I was given:

  • Mother Superior Bubble Bar
  • Somewhere over the Rainbow soap
  • Prince Charming Shower Gel
  • Yummy Mummy Shower Gel
I'm always bowled away by how lovely and generous Lush are, and this event was no exception! Despite only buying a small portion of the range we were shown, I know full well I will be on my way back in store for more before they disappear!

My highlights from the event are definitely these four items pictured above, I bought 3/4 of them, and will be going back for the last one as soon as I have the cash. They are:
  • Fluffy Egg: Which smells like the amazingly popular Snow Fairy
  • Carrot Soap: Yes it smells like carrots but trust me it is amazing!
  • Dad's Garden: This is a lemon scented fragrance that had me sniffing myself all evening, it is divine...
  • Immaculate Eggception (Yellow): This amazing (and gigantic) bathbomb smells delicious, and you can also crack it to reveal either a cute bunny or chick, which is perfect for Easter. It also means you technically get two bath bombs, though trust me this is so huge that you could probably get 4/5 uses out of it!
Let me know in the comments below what your favourite Lush Easter product is, I love to hear from you!
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Sum Up Sunday #14: DFMA Week 4 (my final week!)

Sunday, 8 March 2015

I can't believe that it has been a whole month since I embarked on one of the scariest, yet most exciting times of my life. It's been a crazy, tiring, and emotional four weeks, but I've reached the end, and I am ready to start my new career as a makeup artist!

On Monday we got to do an ice queen look. We were asked to go online a research photos of other ice queen looks, and then to come up with our take on an ice queen. I combined about four different images for my final look, but I think it turned out quite well!

Tuesday was all about the gore as we had our final special effects day with my favourite tutor! We got to do a slit wrist, a stitched up wound, a bullet wound to the head, and track marks. Special effects is by far my favourite area, just as I thought it would be, and it is ultimately what I would like to go into!

Wednesday was all about practice for our finals, so I got to play around with a few of my ideas, and ultimately got to decide what I did, and didn't want to do for my final piece. I wonder if you can guess what I chose to do by the above photos?

Thursday was bald caps, and I am honestly not a fan of this look, and I almost didn't put a picture up of this. I don't know why but everything seemed to go kind of wrong for me on this day. I didn't really feel as though I knew what I was doing, and ultimately was really unhappy with my look, but I took pictures anyway!

Then came our final day! This day was all about showcasing out skills and we got to do whatever makeup that we wanted. Also for this day we had real models, which we were all terrified about to be honest! I had nothing to be afraid of though because my model Natalie was absolutely lovely, and we got on right away. It turned out she went to Aberystwyth Uni, and was in the year below me, in the same department! How weird is that right? She also blogs and makes Youtube videos, meaning we had plenty in common, and lots to talk about. You can check out her blog here. She was really brilliant about the makeup I was doing too, and she loved the special effects I did. Initially I was really worried that I would have a model that hated SFX, so I'm glad she enjoyed herself. We also got to work with a photographer on this day and we are going to get four professional shots to go in our portfolio, but we wont get those for a few weeks yet. I am honestly itching to see those pictures because they looked so amazing just on his camera screen! If you hadn't already guessed, I went for a frost bitten Elsa from Frozen... I know I'm a bit frozen obsessed, but I wanted to do a look that incorporated both beauty and special effects, and I think I did that quite effectively here.

After the photos were all done with and the models had left, we got to sit around and chill out for a bit. The other girls I met on the course are some of the nicest people I have ever met, and we all really want to stay in touch. I can't wait to follow their careers and see what they get up to as they are all amazing makeup artists!

Please let me know in the comments what you thought about my final piece, I would love some feedback!
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My First Degustabox

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

I was lucky enough to win a Degustabox for February in a blog giveaway

, and it arrived last week. However with the move and everything I hadn't had a chance to take a look and see what was in my box... Until yesterday!

I was seriously impressed with the selection of different things in my box, and I was seriously happy I receive a product that I have been dying to try! 

The first thing I saw when I opened the box was the Peanut Hottie, and I squealed... I have been dying to try this product ever since one of my favourite Youtubers mentioned it on her channel, and now I have it! If you have never heard of Peanut Hottie it is a peanut butter flavoured hot drink. I absolutely love peanut butter, and  very intrigued to find out what a hot drink with that flavour would be like!

I was also delighted to find that there was a jar of Whole Earth peanut butter, which I haven't had the pleasure of trying before, but it looks amazing. I have been craving peanut butter for weeks, but we don't ever buy it because Tim isn't keen, this jar is going to be all mine! 

There was also a good amount of sweet treats in the box including brownies, and cocoa cookie crunch chocolate, who doesn't love chocolate? 

Overall I was very impressed with the contents of my box as it is all stuff I will actually eat, which can sometimes be very rare for me (I'm a little picky on the odd occasion). I'm definitely considering subscribing to this box myself, now I just need to convince Tim...

Are you subscribed to Degustabox? What do you think about it? 
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10 Days of Me: One Photo

Monday, 2 March 2015

For those who are faint of heart, I can assure you that the above is only makeup! It's simply liquid latex, and gelatine for the yummy blisters that you see above!

Now I can already hear the cries of, 'why would you pick this picture?!?' but here is why...

When I undertook my makeup course, I knew that SFX Makeup was what I wanted to specialise in, and I so desperately wanted to be good at it. The above makeup was the first SFX makeup that I am 100% proud of, as it looks so gruesome and yukky, it's perfect! So here I am, with less than a week until the end of my course, and I am so happy that I took this leap into the unknown, and I can only encourage you all to do the same! (I mean, not a makeup course, I mean a leap of faith!). 

Let me know in the comments something that you are dying to do right now!

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Sum Up Sunday #13: DFMA Week 3

Sunday, 1 March 2015

This week kicked off with the 1930's, which meant blocking out eyebrows!  Honestly one of the funniest experiences of the whole course so far. We also did a cheat version of finger waves. I really feel like I look like Betty Boop in this picture!

Before Makeup Application

 Eyebrows Blocked Out

 Finished Look

 Finished Look from the side

My model really wasn't a fan of having her eyebrows blocked out, but I was really pleased with the overall result, especially as her eyebrows were a lot darker than mine.

On the Tuesday we did do a session on continuity, in which we had to create a look on each other, and then in the afternoon we swapped partners, and had to follow a face chart to recreate someone else's look. For the life of me I can't seem to find the photos from that, but it was honestly pretty difficult to get everything exactly the same.

Next we moved on to the 1920's, this time doing finger waving the right way, and it was seriously difficult... Instead of doing an historically correct makeup, we brought the 1920's into the future.

I loved this makeup, and I felt like it was easily the best one I had done so far, especially the lips, which I had been really struggling with.

On the Thursday we did Victorian/Edwardian, which was actually a very plain makeup, more like a 'no makeup' look, but actually there is a surprising amount of makeup on my model in the above photo!

Friday was my favourite day ever, we did burns SFX makeup. It involved Liquid Latex, and Gelatine to get the end result, which I honestly am so happy with! This is the kind of makeup that I want to do, and it really makes me happy when I get it right!

In the afternoon we also had some male models so that we could practice our male makeup. Which again is very much a 'no makeup' look. You may be surprised to learn that my model even has eyeliner, and mascara on in this picture!

Another amazing week at the DFMA Academy, and honestly it has flown by. Next week is my final week on the course, and so this time next week I will become a qualified makeup artist!
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