I can't believe that it has been a whole month since I embarked on one of the scariest, yet most exciting times of my life. It's been a crazy, tiring, and emotional four weeks, but I've reached the end, and I am ready to start my new career as a makeup artist!
On Monday we got to do an ice queen look. We were asked to go online a research photos of other ice queen looks, and then to come up with our take on an ice queen. I combined about four different images for my final look, but I think it turned out quite well!
Tuesday was all about the gore as we had our final special effects day with my favourite tutor! We got to do a slit wrist, a stitched up wound, a bullet wound to the head, and track marks. Special effects is by far my favourite area, just as I thought it would be, and it is ultimately what I would like to go into!
Wednesday was all about practice for our finals, so I got to play around with a few of my ideas, and ultimately got to decide what I did, and didn't want to do for my final piece. I wonder if you can guess what I chose to do by the above photos?
Thursday was bald caps, and I am honestly not a fan of this look, and I almost didn't put a picture up of this. I don't know why but everything seemed to go kind of wrong for me on this day. I didn't really feel as though I knew what I was doing, and ultimately was really unhappy with my look, but I took pictures anyway!
Then came our final day! This day was all about showcasing out skills and we got to do whatever makeup that we wanted. Also for this day we had real models, which we were all terrified about to be honest! I had nothing to be afraid of though because my model Natalie was absolutely lovely, and we got on right away. It turned out she went to Aberystwyth Uni, and was in the year below me, in the same department! How weird is that right? She also blogs and makes Youtube videos, meaning we had plenty in common, and lots to talk about. You can check out her blog
here. She was really brilliant about the makeup I was doing too, and she loved the special effects I did. Initially I was really worried that I would have a model that hated SFX, so I'm glad she enjoyed herself. We also got to work with a photographer on this day and we are going to get four professional shots to go in our portfolio, but we wont get those for a few weeks yet. I am honestly itching to see those pictures because they looked so amazing just on his camera screen! If you hadn't already guessed, I went for a frost bitten Elsa from Frozen... I know I'm a bit frozen obsessed, but I wanted to do a look that incorporated both beauty and special effects, and I think I did that quite effectively here.

After the photos were all done with and the models had left, we got to sit around and chill out for a bit. The other girls I met on the course are some of the nicest people I have ever met, and we all really want to stay in touch. I can't wait to follow their careers and see what they get up to as they are all amazing makeup artists!
Please let me know in the comments what you thought about my final piece, I would love some feedback!