Last Thing You... Tag

Friday, 28 February 2014

I couldn't find a relevant photo, so here is a picture of my cat, Midnight!

So I saw this tag come up in my Bloglovin feed yesterday, as the lovely Leona of Oh! Leona had taken on the tag. After having a quick read, I thought I should give this tag a go.

1. Who Did you Last Talk To?
I just texted my boyfriend and wished him a good day at work!

2. What was the last outfit you wore?
I'm currently wearing my work uniform, which I won't be wearing any longer as of next week! It consists of jeans, a red polo shirt, and branded converse.

3. What was the last thing you ate?
A jaffa cake mini roll, just now... It was delicious though!

4. What was the last thing you drank?
Water, I'm trying to be more healthy and cut down on the amount of fizzy drinks etc. that I drink, so I'm carrying a bottle of water with me at all times.

5. The Last sport you played?
Probably football with my brother, but that was AGES ago... I do want to get back into a sport, I've just got to find the right one for me.

6. Who did you email last?
Our estate agents, we are trying to get all the final details sorted so that we can sign the contracts this week. It's all so exciting!

7. Which one of your friends did you talk to last?
Jade, over Facebook. I can't wait for her to visit next weekend, it will definitely be the boost I'll need after my first week in full time work!

8. The last thing you watched on TV?
Someone from work has got me hooked on The Vampire Diaries spin off, The Originals. So I've been getting up to date with that.

9. The Last Blog you checked?
Oh! Leona's blog, which is where I found this tag! I actually love reading her blog, especially when she puts up pictures of her dog Rex, as he is basically the male version of my dog Maizey!

10. The Last game you played?
My brother and sister have recently dug out our old PS2, so I have been playing Theme Park World! I love that game... my favourite park has to be the scary horror one, it's just too cute!

I tag all of you guys reading this to do this tag, and please leave a link to your post in the comments, as I would love to read them! Don't forget that my giveaway ends TOMORROW, so if you want to enter then you need to do it quickly! Check out the giveaway here.
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Pretty Little Liars Tag!

Thursday, 27 February 2014

I know... I know... I can already feel all of you sighing at the sight of yet ANOTHER tag on my blog this week, but I can't help that everyone is coming up with loads of awesome tags right now...

Anyway, if you don't know, Pretty Little Liars is an awesome American TV show, and I am totally hooked on it. It's full of awesome fashion, and mysteries and plot twists, along with the occasional heart wrenching storyline! Seriously I recommend that every single one of you checks it out, you will not regret it I promise. However let's get this TAG started!

1. Alison made her return to Rosewood in her statement red coat. What is your wardrobe statement piece?
 My wardrobe statement piece has to be a good LBD. Where would a girl be without her little black dress? I'm actually on the hunt for a new one currently, and I cannot wait to find it!

2. If you could raid anyone's wardrobe, whose would it be?
Definitely Aria's. I love her unique sense of style, she's the perfect blend of feminine and rock, both styles that I admire greatly. However if I had to pick a second in line, I'd definitely go for Hannah's wardrobe.. she is equally as stylish!

3. Which cast member would you go to if you had a problem?
Definitely Hannah, I think that although she can be absent minded, that she cares deeply about others, and I think she's the person who'd most likely help me sort out my problems.

4. Which character.s personality do you think you most relate to?
I would like to think that I am the most like Aria, but I definitely think I'm a mixture of Hannah and Aria together, which of course I don't see as a bad thing!

5. Which character's makeup would you most like to wear?
Probably Hannah or Aria again... Wow this is becoming a real H and A appreciation post, I don't know why, they way their makeup looks is just appealing to me. I mean they are beautiful...

6. Which of the cast would you feel safest with when stuck in an 'A' situation?
I think I would have to pick Spencer. I feel like she handles the situations better than the other girls. I think she'd fight her way out of there, whereas I think the other girls would panic... Saying that though, Aria has had kick boxing lessons now, so maybe she wouldn't go down without a fight either!

So there you have it, a little insight into my Pretty Little Liars life. I hope you've enjoyed, and please leave a comment if you already watch the show! I need people to talk about it with!
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Wishlist Wednesday: My Ideal Bedroom...

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

As you may or may not have heard, in a few weeks I will be moving out with my boyfriend. As such I have spent a LOT of time surfing the internet and looking at furniture for our new place. That is when I stumbled across the beautiful French Bedroom Companies website. I am a massive fan of French style furniture, however unfortunately for me, my boyfriend is not. SO to satisfy my urge for a completely french style bedroom, I thought I would make a wishlist! Everything featured below is all from the same website, and you should be able to find all of it there!

As you may be able to tell from the photo, I am a massive fan of white. I love how pretty white furniture can look, and a bedroom always looks so modern with white furniture and a pop of colour. With my favourite colour being blue, I think it would suit perfectly with this furniture. My favourite item by far of this list has to be the dressing table, it's just so grand, and would look amazing in any room. I am also a big fan of the faux deer wall hanging, I've been looking at these everywhere, and I might just end up buying one and giving my boyfriend no choice but to hang it, they are too cute! I also never thought I'd like a chandelier, but this one here seems to work with everything else I picked out, and I certainly wouldn't be unhappy to see this hanging in my bedroom. Maybe one day I'll get my wish to have a fully french style bedroom, we'll just have to see!
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The Fairy-tale Tag

Saturday, 22 February 2014

I saw this Tag over on Laura's Haven, and I knew I had to answer these questions! If you don't know already, I am obsessed with Disney, and Fairy Tales... I literally couldn't resist doing this tag, so here we go...

Snow White - Do you consider yourself beautiful?
Not really, like don't get me wrong, I don't think I'm ugly or anything, I'm very happy with the way I look, but I wouldn't say I am beautiful.

Sleeping Beauty - How many hours do you sleep a night?
I need at least 8 hours, otherwise I am very grumpy!

Cinderella - Do you have a curfew?
I'm 22... so no I don't.

Rapunzel - Do you love being outside?
I much prefer to be inside, cuddled up on the sofa. However on the odd occasion I do like to get out!

Red Riding Hood - Do you trust strangers easily?
I find it very easy to trust people, but I wouldn't say I trust strangers. I have to get to know someone a little bit first!

The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids - Are you easily fooled?
I don't think I am. It depends what you mean by easily fooled. 

Beauty and the Beast - What makes someone beautiful in your eyes?
Someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, someone who makes me laugh. The most beautiful kind of person to me, is someone who doesn't care what other people think of them!

The Little Mermaid - What would you sacrifice for love?
I'm a very loving person, and I go out of my way for the people I love. I'd do anything for the one I love, and he knows that!

Jack and the Beanstalk - Do you have any plants?
Not at the moment, but I'm hoping to get one for our new flat!

Puss in Boots - Do you have pets? If not do you want them?
I have a Jack Russell called Maizey, and she is such a sweetheart. It kills me that when I move out in a few weeks that I can't take her with me. When we do get a place where we can have her, then she will come along with us. However myself and the boyfriend also want a Pomsky! Google them if you've never seen one, they are too cute!

Bluebeard - What is your weak point?
My weak point would definitely be that I worry too much about the future. Instead of just living for the now, I'm constantly worried about where I am going to end up. This has been particularly difficult this week, seeing as I have to make a quite serious decision...

Pinocchio - What is your biggest wish?
My biggest wish is that I will end up in a career in something that I am interested in, and not end up stuck in a job that I don't really want to do, just for the sake of money.

Peter Pan - What is your mental age?
I'm a big kid at heart, I love Disney films and I watch My Little Pony, So I think I have to at least half my real age... so I'd say 11?

The Star Money - What is your most valuable possession?
My most valuable possession is my dog Maizey. I love her to bits, and even though I'm only moving 20 minutes away from her, I'm going to miss her so much!

Gold Mary and Pitch Mary - Are you a hard worker or a lazy one?
I'd say I'm a hard worker! Although I do fall victim to procrastination quite often!

The Snow Queen - Who is your best friend? What would you do for them?
I wouldn't say that I have a best friend at the moment. I have a lot of friends, but none that I currently consider my best friend. When I do get a best friend though, I'd do anything for them! 

The Princess and the Pea - Are you sensitive?
Not particularly, I was bullied a lot when I was in secondary school, so I've developed a thick skin.

Godfather Death - What qualities make a good parent?
The ability to support their child in whatever they want to do, and to not allow their child to fall victim to any kind of social stereotyping!

The Twelve Dancing Princesses - Do you like parties?
Who doesn't like parties?

The Emperor's New Clothes - Do you care a lot about your clothing?
Not as much as I care about my Xbox. I do care that I have enough clothes, and that I am slightly in fashion, but I wouldn't say it's something that I obsess over.

The Brave Little Tailor - Do you consider yourself brave?
I think I am brave. I'm just about to change jobs, and I'm moving in with my boyfriend and giving us a proper go. That's a pretty bold move!

So there we have it, the Fairy Tale tag COMPLETED! I tag all of you reading to take on this tag, and please let me know if you do in the comments, I'd love to give your answers a read!

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Mini Tom Jones in my Head...

Friday, 21 February 2014

Yes, it's that time of week again, the time where I upload a Youtube video for the Dynamic7 Channel! This week's theme was music, and initially I was struggling to think of what to talk about, and then I remembered a weird condition that I suffer with... I like to call it Lyric Completion Compulsion, or LCC for short. What the video below to find out more!

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23 Before 23 Update!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

It's been less than a month since I wrote my '23 Before 23' list, and already I have made a start on several of my goals. Including some rather big ones! So I thought I would share my progress with you, and share some very exciting news with you all.

Keep up my Youtube Channel - I'm glad to say that I have been continuing to make Youtube videos, not only for my own personal channel, but also for a new collaboration channel called The Dynamic 7! I'm really enjoying doing it, even though I'm still getting the hang of it at the moment.

Support Fellow Youtubers - I've joined a Facebook group called 'People That Youtube' and I've been following the channels of a few fellow Youtubers, as well as managing my collaboration channel with 6 other Youtubers!

Write Weekly Thankful Lists - I have started writing weekly thankful lists over on my Tumblr. These have been making me feel much more positive, and making me realise how many good things that I have been getting up to!

Write a Weekly/Daily Diary - Again I have been writing a weekly diary over on Tumblr, but I am also planning to buy myself a diary and start writing in there, mainly so I can record more personal thoughts, but it's a start.

Read at least 1 Book a Month - I have a HUGE stack of books to get through, and as such I decided that to get it, I need to read at least one book a month. Another part of this goal was for me to write about the books I've read on the blog, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

I have actually managed to complete one of my goals already, not even a month into my list! I bet you can all guess which one it is, because it relates to this blog...

Blog Redesign - One of my goals was to get my blog redesigned to bring in the new year! The lovely Ella of Hello Wonderful, agreed to redesign my blog! She was wonderful, and took all my nit picky suggestions and came up with something so perfect for me and my blog. I highly recommend that if you are getting a redesign that you consider her!

The goal however that I am most excited about, that will be completed very shortly... is....

Move Out - YES! It's true, myself and Tim have found an apartment. We are just waiting for the contracts to be drawn up, and then we will be moving in together! I am so excited for us to have our own space and to grow as a couple, and I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures of our new place when we move in!

So there we have it, whereas my list last year was barely touched, this year I am getting well and truly stuck in! Let me know in the comments if you have written a goals list like this, I love reading them! Until next time...

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Friday Favourites

Friday, 14 February 2014

I stumbled across these beautiful corsets on Tumblr, which are created by Andrew Kanounov. They are so beautiful... God knows where I would wear one though.

I am absolutely obsessed with the new magician on the block, Troy. You can check out his show on E4 on Tuesdays. His magic is ridiculous...

My favourite Eastenders character of all time is returning to the square, and I literally couldn't be happier, I love Lacey Turner.

I've started playing my favourite game again, and it's even more beautiful than I remember. Plus it's getting me really exited for Elder Scrolls Online, which I won't be able to get for ages :'(
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Wishlist Wednesday: Pandora Edition

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Ever since I got my Pandora bracelet for my birthday, I have been lusting over Pandora charms, and these are the nine charms that are at the top of that list! Aren't they all so pretty?

  1. Bird Cage Charm
  2. Blue Spot Murano Charm
  3. Love Kitten Charm
  4. Blue Fizzle Murano Charm
  5. Turtle Dove Charm
  6. Unicorn Charm
  7. Fairy Pixie Charm
  8. Turquoise Flower Murano Charm
  9. Blooming Rose Charm
Let me know in the comments which of the charms above is your favourite!

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Primark Haul #2

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Yes, I have been spending yet more money in Primark! If you want to see what I got then feel free to check out the video below.

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What I Got For My Birthday!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Yes my new video is up on my personal channel! I know... two videos and a blog post all on the same day... I am super productive today!

If you can't be bothered to watch the video, here's a list of what I got:
  • O.P.I Mariah Carey Liquid Sands Mini's
  • Pamper Set
  • The Complete Makeup Artist by Penny Delamar
  • Makeup The Ultimate Guide by Rae Morris
  • LED Camera Mounted Light
  • Miranda Harts Miracattack
  • Lady Gaga's Artpop
  • Yankee Candle in the scent 'A Childs Wish'
  • Red Fox Jumper
  • Black Russian Doll Jumper
  • Blue Bird Print Satchel
  • Pandora Bracelet with one charm, my sister bought me a sister charm, and I bought myself four more charms with my birthday money :)
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Friday Favourites

Friday, 7 February 2014

Welcome back to my Friday Favourites, let's see what I've enjoyed this week!

I found this recipe for a microwave cookie for one on Tumblr... This is one of the reasons that I love the internet...

SMOSH posted an article to 24 awesome video game related Valentines cards... I especially love the Skyrim themed ones <3

Today I posted my first video on the Dynamic7 Collaboration channel that I organised! This weeks theme is Five Facts/Introductions. I'm going to be posting on the channel every Friday, so make sure to check that out!

My boyfriend got me this LED light for my birthday, that mounts onto my camera, and now my videos are looking better than ever! Next on the list is a microphone for sure!

Someone posted the cutest photoset on Tumblr of little duckies! It made my day when I stumbled upon it. Just look how cute they are!

Finally I stumbled across this super funny comic on 'How to pet a kitty'. Trust me you won't regret reading this...

So there we have it, those are the things that have been making me smile this week, I hope you enjoy those links! Please let me know what has been making you smile, in the comments.
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23 Before 23...

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

On Sunday I turned 22... YIKES! So I thought that it was about time that I took a look at my 22 Before 22 list, and saw what I achieved. Looking through that list now, I realise that I didn't really achieve a lot. Out of my 22 goals, I started 13 of them, and actually completed 5... That's such an abysmal attempt, I am actually ashamed of that! So this year, although I am writing 23 goals, I aim to complete at least 10 of them! So without further ado, let's see what I want to achieve this year!

  1.  Move Out: This was one of my goals from last year, which I knew I probably wouldn't achieve, however thankfully it is looking more likely this year!
  2. Lose Weight: Another goal making a reappearance! This time I am armed with a boyfriend who is very supportive and will help me keep on track. So we'll see...
  3. Watch a new film every week!: This is one that is sparked by the fact that I always watch the same films over, and over. Which is fine! However I'll never see all the films on my 'to watch' list if I carry on like that!
  4. Keep up with my Youtube Channel: Especially seeing as I've just got it properly underway, I want to make sure that I maintain it throughout the next year.
  5. Get a Full Time Job: I love my current job, the only problem I have with it, is that I need a full time job to be able to afford to move out. So this is one of my biggest goals for the next few months!
  6. Complete all the Xbox games I own!: I am terrible at buying a tonne of video games, and then never playing them. I have been much better recently, and have completed several since December, so I want to continue on that track.
  7. Write weekly thankful lists over on my Tumblr: I am very guilty on focusing on the negative things that are going on in my life, so I'm hoping that by doing this, I will focus more on the positive.
  8. Travel Abroad!: Although this was one of my goals last year, I didn't manage it. This year though, myself and the boyfriend have made a pact to save and go away on holiday!
  9. Find out what I want to do with my life, and stick to it!: This is more of an ambiguous one to be honest, but there are several jobs that I would love to have a lifelong career in, I just need to pick one, and then work towards it!
  10. Take up a sport: This is another goal I made last year, but I never got around to completing it... Ever since I went ice-skating in Bristol back in November, I've really wanted to start taking lessons, but I also miss doing Ballroom dance. So I want to take these up, and pick which I like best.
  11. Practice my craft/s: I'm so bad at picking up hobbies, and then never really going anywhere with them, so this year is all about practicing those hobbies. Which include Baking, make-up, nail art, editing etc.
  12. Write a daily/weekly Diary: This is another goal that will help to keep me focused on the more positive aspects of my life.
  13. Start working to control my IBS: I suffer with terrible IBS, and it effects me every single day, so this year, along with losing weight, I actually want to start trying to control my IBS.
  14. Reach 200 Subscribers on Youtube: I'm currently sitting at 63, and as much as I would love to have 1000 by the end of the year, I think 200 is a little more realistic!
  15. Go on an adventure every month: This could be anything from Archery to Zorbing. It's all about me doing something active/exciting/different.
  16. Read at least 1 book a month, and talk about it on my blog: I'm guilty of buying masses of books and then leaving them on the side where they will never be glanced at again. So I definitely need to read more, but as well as that, I want to talk about the books I have read. 
  17. Start saving money: This is more a goal to be completed when I get a full time job, but I am so bad at saving money, and I need to get better. Especially seeing as myself and the boyfriend have SO many plans to execute.
  18. Support fellow Youtubers: I want to start watching the videos of people with less than 1000 subs, just like myself, and support them!
  19. Do something for charity: I'm always talking about how I want to do the race for life, or a skydive for the Make a Wish foundation, but I never really get around to planning any of it.
  20. Write posts when I have the idea, instead of leaving it weeks and weeks: I have boxes of stuff in my room, that's waiting to be photographed before I use it, so I can talk about it on this blog. So I need to stop that...
  21. Exercise EVERY day!: I hate exercising, I sweat excessively, and I always ache all over, but I know it's something that I need to improve on! So I aim to exercise every day, even if that's just a walk around my village.
  22. Blog redesign: This year I want my blog design redone, I'm looking into hiring someone to do that right now...
  23. Work on being happy: No matter how many good things come my way, I'm always WAY more focused on the bad, and this year is the year when all that changes! It's all about the good, and I want to share it with all of you!
So there we have it, my 23 Goals to achieve before I turn 23 next year! Hopefully this list will fare better then last years...

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