The Great Bloggers Bake Off - Week Six - Paul Hollywood's Fougasse

Monday, 3 October 2016

Photo of my finished Paul Hollywood's Herb Fougasse
Paul Hollywood's Herb Fougasse
We're over half way there everyone! Can you even believe it? This week was yet another first in Bake Off history, Botanical Week. Now when I first heard about the theme for the week I was a little sceptical, but then I got very excited. I had originally wanted to make a lemon and lavender cake inspired by my favourite Yankee Candle, but I couldn't get hold of culinary lavender in time, so I had to quickly come up with a plan B. Sorry Paul but yes, your Fougasse wasn't my first choice bake... Having said that, now I've finally eaten some Fougasse I can confirm that it is very tasty indeed.
As mentioned above this is a Paul Hollywood recipe, so I will not be including the ingredients list or strict instructions as you can follow them directly from the recipe, which you will find here.

Photos of the steps for making the Fougasse dough
Making the dough!
Making the dough is really simple, you just put the flour, salt and yeast in the bowl of a freestand mixer. Make sure that the yeast and salt are on opposite sides of the bowl. Next add the oil and 3/4 of the water to the bowl and mix on a low setting until is starts to come together, then turn it up to a medium speed and leave to mix for 8 minutes or so. After the time is up add your herbs to the bowl and mix for a further minute. Once your herbs are well combined into the dough you can tip it into a lightly floured bowl and leave to prove for an hour.
Photos of the steps for Shaping the Fougasse
Shaping the Fougasse
After the initial proving your dough should have doubled in size! Tip it out onto a lightly floured surface and divide into two equal pieces. Place each piece onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper then taking a sharp knife, or a pizza cutter cut the above pattern into the dough. Once cut leave on the baking sheets covered with a clean tea towel for their second prove, which is another hour. When the second prove is completed you can preheat your oven to 200 degrees and place the Fougasse into the oven for 15-20 minutes. It should be lightly browned on top and the bottom should sound hollow when you tap it.

Photo of my finished Paul Hollywood's Herb Fougasse
Paul Hollywood's Herb Fougasse
Thanks again to the lovely Jenny from Mummy Mishaps for hosting the Blogger Bake off, don't forget to head on over to her blog if you want to see what everyone else has made this week! If you have enjoyed reading today's post then don't forget to come back next week for Dessert Week...

Mummy Mishaps
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