14 Goals for 2014!

Friday 3 January 2014

Hello again everyone! It's finally time for me to write about my new years resolutions... Normally I only set one resolution, and it's always: 'Lose Weight'. This year I decided to go with 14 goals to accomplish in 2014, you can check my goals out below, or you can watch the video to see me talk about them!

My goals are as follows:
  1. Start going to/stick to the gym
  2. Lose 1 stone by the end of the year
  3. Eat more healthily (less takeaways)
  4. Drink more water, and a lot less Coca Cola
  5. Get a Full Time Job
  6. Move out of my mum's house
  7. Start saving money and being more sensible
  8. Go on more adventures
  9. Watch at least 2 films a week
  10. Keep up to date with all my TV shows
  11. Complete all the video games I own before buying more
  12. Read at least 1 book a month
  13. Keep making Youtube videos
  14. Be myself, and be happy
I wish you all the best of luck with your own resolutions! Let me know in the comments what your resolutions are, I love to read your comments.
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