Polish Days: Quirk Novels and Nails #1

Sunday 30 March 2014

As you may or may not know, I actually began my blog life writing a Nail Polish blog called 'Rose Tint My Nails'. In the space of two months my nail polish collection grew from a humble 15, to 150... I try to limit myself a lot more nowadays, and I haven't blogged about nail polish for a long time, until now.

My lovely blog friend Kerrie, who writes Pish Posh and Polish, has recently started her own indie brand of nail polish called Quirk. All her polishes are rigorously tested, and are beautiful. She decided that she wanted to bring out a monthly subscription box for her polish, but one with a difference, and so she came up with Novels and Nails. Here is what she says about it on her website: Novels and Nails is a mystery package based on a different book each month. This includes a brand new paperback, two limited edition polishes and a range of extras. Each package costs £20 and is sold on a pre-order basis and will be shipped on the 15th of each month. Each package should be a real experience when opening it!

Obviously when I heard that she was making this I couldn't pass up the opportunity to snap one up. I received my package ages ago, but have only just managed to open it tonight! As soon as I saw my goodies, I knew I just had to blog about it immediately, so without further ado... I present, Novels and Nails!

This is what greeted me when I opened my big brown envelope, a lovely bright green paper bag, holding all of the goodies inside...

I was shocked at the sheer amount of stuff that Kerrie managed to pack into this package. As promised there was a paperback copy of the book which the polishes are based on, but there were also three separate little bags.

Bag 1 + 2 contained the limited edition polishes and some lovely quotes...

These quotes were such a nice touch, and made me smile the entire time that I was opening my package, even my boyfriend came over and had a nosey at what I had got!

The first polish I opened was Little White Bird which has a cream coloured based, with golden glitters in it. This is the only one of the polishes that I have actually managed to use so far, and as I was applying it, I literally felt like I was painting pixie dust onto my nails.

It's such a beautiful polish, the perfect one to get me back into painting my nails! It was very fast drying too, which is always a plus for me when I am painting my nails.

The second polish is The Secret of Happiness, and it's a really pretty blue base with lilac glitters in it. I really wanted to use this one first, but as I wear SO MUCH blue, I thought I would give the other polish a go first. As soon as I paint my nails again, this will be going on them!

As well as the two polishes and the book, Kerrie actually included some cute extras, like these Tinkerbell Nail Decals, and some 'Pixie Dust' a.k.a glitter. Oh and love hearts... one of my favourite sweets (I promise they aren't gone already).

All in all I was seriously impressed with this little package, it was such a bargain, and I will definitely be purchasing one again! I have never actually read the book of Peter Pan, so as soon as I have finished my current reads, then I will be getting on it. I recommend these polishes very highly, yes Kerrie is my friend, but that aside, she really puts a lot of love and care into the polishes she makes, and it really shines through. If you would like to check out Kerrie's Polishes then please go to her website here.
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  1. Thank you for such a lovely review. I am glad you liked your package, the next month is even better! I am so excited for people to get them!

  2. This is such a sweet idea, especially when you're a beauty and book lover. Instead of choosing one or the other, get both. Awesome! The nail polishes are lovely and the little extra gifts are so cute :-)

