Life Lately...

Saturday, 21 June 2014

So I know that recently I have been absolutely pants at keeping up with my online life. To be honest it's not that I've been too busy, or that I have been lacking motivation, I have just had a terrible case of writers block. Every time I sit down to write a blog post, I start, maybe get a paragraph into it, and then give up. However I have promised myself that I am going to start getting back into this now! I was only supposed to be taking a short break whilst I moved home and settled into a new life with my boyfriend. Enough is Enough!

So I thought I'd start off with something simple and share all my instagram photos with you from the time that I have been absent on here! I am also STILL taking part in the #100HappyDays photo challenge, but it's just taking me longer than most to complete...

24th May 2014: My cousin came down to visit for her little boys birthday and we all went to Monkey World. He loves taking selfies, so I always make sure I snap a few with him. In this one he was a little distracted by the TV!

25th May 2014: Treating myself to a mini mint magnum! My first Magnum in a long time I believe!

26th May 2014: After seeing all the lovely nails that my colleagues at work have. They all get theirs done professionally once a month. I decided that it was about time that I gave myself a mani! Of course it had to be blue...

30th May 2014: We had Tim's friend, Keith over for dinner, and he bought me a bunch of flowers! He is such a sweetheart!

1st of June: Tim and I treated ourselves to a Costa, and I tried their iced mocha mint drink. It was scrummy, but so filling, I couldn't finish it!

1st of June: Tim and I had a curry, this was the night before I started the 5:2 diet and is the last takeaway I actually had!

5th of June: My second after fast day on the 5:2 diet. We had these lovely Turkey burgers for dinner, they were seriously tasty, and only had 300 calories per serving!

8th of June: I finally got around to wearing my Lion king t-shirt that I got at Primark!

8th of June: I took my nan up to Costco, and we always have a slice pizza from their 'food court', I can't believe this massive slice only cost £1.50...

11th June: I made this SUPER tasty Cowboy Chicken Stew from the Easy Cook Magazine that Tim and I have recently subscribed to. The chicken literally fell apart, it was so tender!

16th June: Tim and I got sick of ordinary pizza, so we made puff pastry pizza! this one had ricotta and caramelised onions!

20th June: My workplace had a 6th birthday BBQ and we managed to get our own personal ice cream man!

20th June: This is the ice cream that I had (courtesy of the company I work for), it's a bubblegum knickerbocker glory! I really struggled to finish it...

21st June: I posted a picture of the dinner that I had last night! Salmon, with rice stuffed tomatoes! This was my first time eating salmon in three years, and I really enjoyed it...

So there you have it, that's what I have been getting up to whilst I've been away! I'm going to try and be better with posting, but I honestly can't promise anything at the moment... I guess we'll see...
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