Sunday Spotlight: Colorfy App

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Available on iOS and Android

This morning I was scrolling through my Facebook feed when I saw an advert for an app called Colorfy. It was advertised as a colouring book for adults, so my interest was immediately peaked. You all probably know that Adult colouring books are quite in at the moment due to a study showing it to be therapeutic to adults. I myself haven't had a chance to try out this phenomenon as for some reason I kept putting it off. However as soon as I saw this app I thought it was the perfect opportunity to finally give it a go, and that's what I have been doing all morning!

It's a simple as choosing an image, picking your colour scheme and then colouring away. This is also much quicker than traditional colouring as you simply select the colour you want to use and then tap the areas where you want to use that colour. You can also zoom right in to the picture to ensure that you can get all those fiddly areas. My first image to colour was this deer above, and I chose to stick to very autumnal colours, which I thought suited the picture very well.

The second image I was immediately drawn to was this cat. I chose to stick to black and grey for the cat and then various yellows and golds with blue for the patterns. This is because to me the cat look very Egyptian, and golds and blue are the colours that you tend to see in Hieroglyphics, because those are what they had readily available to them. 

Finally I chose to do a simple flower, I actually picked this one so I could show my boyfriend the app because I was getting really excited about it! The thing I love most about this app is how quickly you can complete an image, physically colouring in images like this could take me hours, but I can complete these on my phone in anything from 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending on how picky I am being/how complex the image is.

If you use the free version of this app then you are limited to certain images and a smaller choice of colours. However there is the option to subscribe to this app for £2.29 per week which gives you unlimited access to all of the colours and images. This app also offers a 7 day free trial which I know I will be signing up to! Although I'm honestly not sure if this app is worth the £2.29 per week price tag, maybe if that were per month I might consider paying it. I guess we will just have to see how addicted I get to it over the next week!
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