I've finally done it!!

Friday, 9 August 2013

I have finally started making, and posting gameplay videos! I've been talking about doing this pretty much since my first year at university. In fact during my first year I mildly electrocuted myself whilst trying to set up a capture card on my old TV. Needless to say I gave it up as a bad job and vowed that I would not make gameplay videos until I had the right equipment.

When I first came home from Uni, I had a few extra pounds sitting in my account from my final loan, so I took the plunge and bought an HDPVR 2, and some Turtle Beach X12's, oh and a cheap microphone! After making my investments, and testing them for about a month, I have finally started posting videos.

Currently I am playing through Dead Space 2, I have also recorded 5 episodes of Dead Island and I will be posting them on alternate days, about every other day. If you want to check out my Dead Space playlist then please click here. Or click through here to go straight to my channel.

I would love if some of you would subscribe/comment/like my Youtube stuff. It really means a lot to me. I may not be pulling a lot of views, but I'm having fun, and it's certainly taking my mind off of everything that I'm currently go through!

Hope that some of you will enjoy this post :-)

Let me know in the comments who your favourite Youtube Let's Player is, mine is Pewdiepie :-)

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