What I Got for Christmas!

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Since everyone else has been posting these all over the internet, I thought it was about time that I jumped on the bandwagon. So here is what I got this year for Christmas!

The first gift I got was from the lovely Kerrie from Pish, Posh and Polish. She got me this wonderful Benefit palette! I have used it once already and I can already see it becoming part of my daily makeup routine, so thanks Kerrie!

My sister got me this super cute stuffed Pascal, with a little santa hat, and bowtie! How cute is he? Tangled is one of my favourite new disney films, and Pascal is super sweet and funny!

She also got me some more Yankee Wax Tarts! I have so many of these that I have to start using. My main problem is I only have one burner. When I move out I plan to buy some more and have a different fragrance in every room! I also got two nail polishes from her, but I couldn't find them to photograph!

Mum got me this birthstone bracelet from Avon, and i've worn it pretty much every day since Christmas, it goes with everything!

My boyfriend got me this Doctor Who themed pendant, which has some circular Galifreyan inspired pattern, and it's in my favourite colour, what's not to like?

Of course I had to get some perfume for Christmas, and this year it seems that my family went down the Celebrity perfume route! Justin Beiber's Someday is one of my favourite perfumes. Don't get me wrong though, I don't like Justin Beiber, it's just that he happened to put his name to a really lovely perfume! My nan got me this bottle, and I was so glad as I actually ran out of it a few weeks ago. My mum also got me a perfume, she opted for the JLS perfume 'Kiss'. This one is very different to what I would normally wear, it's quite a musky scent, but I really enjoy wearing it, and we all know how much I love JLS!

My boyfriend actually took note of my Christmas Wishlist post and bought me this nerdy card game that I asked for! We have only played it once so far, but it's actually pretty fun!

My nan got me this owl throw and a pair of lovely thick owl socks! I actually got 70% less owl gifts than I got last year, but a few still managed to creep in!

My mum got me this lovely bright burnt orange fox t-shirt, with some black glitter on it! I love foxes, I think they are so cute, and I can't wait to wear this!

My nan got me this owl jumper dress thingy from Primark with a hood. It's really fluffy and has a nice big pocket on the front of it. I'm not really sure how to describe what it is, but it looks really cozy and I'm going to be cuddling up in it tonight watching the TV with my boyfriend!

My nan got me this super awesome earmuffs, that are actually headphones! They have this super cute owl design on the sides, and the sound quality is really good! I'm going to be using these all the time, she also got my sister a similar pair with a penguin design, they are seriously awesome!

I saved the best gift until last, and that is this beautiful silver jewellery box that my boyfriend got me! It's even engraved with my name. It's something that I really didn't expect from him and I really love it! This is going to be housing all my favourite pieces of jewellery, including my Doctor Who necklace.

I also used up my Christmas money on Boxing day and got myself something that I have been yearning for since I first clapped eyes on it. A Samsung Galaxy Tab 3!

I've already downloaded a billions apps, and it's become my go to device for browsing! Especially seeing as my laptop is painfully slow at the moment, although I have my boyfriend working on that!

As well as everything pictured above I got lots of little nick nacks and lots and lots of chocolate, despite telling everyone that I didn't want any...

Let me know in the comments what you got for Christmas, I'd love to hear all about it!
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1 comment:

  1. Fluxx!!
    I got the original Fluxx for Christmas off my best friend. I've played it a couple of times, it's so good!
