23 Before 23 Update!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

It's been less than a month since I wrote my '23 Before 23' list, and already I have made a start on several of my goals. Including some rather big ones! So I thought I would share my progress with you, and share some very exciting news with you all.

Keep up my Youtube Channel - I'm glad to say that I have been continuing to make Youtube videos, not only for my own personal channel, but also for a new collaboration channel called The Dynamic 7! I'm really enjoying doing it, even though I'm still getting the hang of it at the moment.

Support Fellow Youtubers - I've joined a Facebook group called 'People That Youtube' and I've been following the channels of a few fellow Youtubers, as well as managing my collaboration channel with 6 other Youtubers!

Write Weekly Thankful Lists - I have started writing weekly thankful lists over on my Tumblr. These have been making me feel much more positive, and making me realise how many good things that I have been getting up to!

Write a Weekly/Daily Diary - Again I have been writing a weekly diary over on Tumblr, but I am also planning to buy myself a diary and start writing in there, mainly so I can record more personal thoughts, but it's a start.

Read at least 1 Book a Month - I have a HUGE stack of books to get through, and as such I decided that to get it, I need to read at least one book a month. Another part of this goal was for me to write about the books I've read on the blog, so keep your eyes peeled for that!

I have actually managed to complete one of my goals already, not even a month into my list! I bet you can all guess which one it is, because it relates to this blog...

Blog Redesign - One of my goals was to get my blog redesigned to bring in the new year! The lovely Ella of Hello Wonderful, agreed to redesign my blog! She was wonderful, and took all my nit picky suggestions and came up with something so perfect for me and my blog. I highly recommend that if you are getting a redesign that you consider her!

The goal however that I am most excited about, that will be completed very shortly... is....

Move Out - YES! It's true, myself and Tim have found an apartment. We are just waiting for the contracts to be drawn up, and then we will be moving in together! I am so excited for us to have our own space and to grow as a couple, and I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures of our new place when we move in!

So there we have it, whereas my list last year was barely touched, this year I am getting well and truly stuck in! Let me know in the comments if you have written a goals list like this, I love reading them! Until next time...

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