What I Got For My Birthday!

Friday, 7 February 2014

Yes my new video is up on my personal channel! I know... two videos and a blog post all on the same day... I am super productive today!

If you can't be bothered to watch the video, here's a list of what I got:
  • O.P.I Mariah Carey Liquid Sands Mini's
  • Pamper Set
  • The Complete Makeup Artist by Penny Delamar
  • Makeup The Ultimate Guide by Rae Morris
  • LED Camera Mounted Light
  • Miranda Harts Miracattack
  • Lady Gaga's Artpop
  • Yankee Candle in the scent 'A Childs Wish'
  • Red Fox Jumper
  • Black Russian Doll Jumper
  • Blue Bird Print Satchel
  • Pandora Bracelet with one charm, my sister bought me a sister charm, and I bought myself four more charms with my birthday money :)
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