Graze Box #2

Thursday, 24 July 2014

The last two weeks since I received my first Graze Box seriously flew by, when I came home from work on Friday my second Nibble box was waiting for me!

To be honest I was a little disappointed that none of my 'send soon' items were in this box, but I still got some seriously yummy treats! Here's what I got from top left to bottom right:

  • Hot Cross Yum: A Mix of sponge pieces, cinnamon and honey almonds and orange infused raisins. This snack contains 134 Calories all in all. I didn't expect to like this to be honest, but my god was I wrong. The cinnamon and honey almonds make this amazing!
  • Black Pepper Pistachios: pistachio nuts, salt, natural black pepper flavourings. A cool 104 Calories in these bad boys. I'm not normally a fan of pepper, but it's really subtle in these, which I was definitely glad about.
  • Bonnie Wee Oatbakes: A yummy red onion marmalade with cheese and chive oatbakes. Surprisingly only 111 Calories in these ones... I was really excited for these, but to be honest the items individually weren't great, but together, were pretty tasty.
  • Jaffa Cake Flapjack: A rustic rolled oat flapjack with chocolate and orange. The highest of them all with 242 calories! I was so disappointed with this snack, it was SO dry, I definitely won't be asking for this in my box again...
Let me know in the comments if you've tried any of these snacks, and let me know what you thought about them. Don't forget, if you want to get your first, fifth and tenth Graze box for free, then sign up with the code: ALYSSI9NP, and enjoy!

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1 comment:

  1. I love graze but I end up eating it all on the same day..opps!

    Hannah Heartss x
