May Roundup!

Sunday, 31 May 2015

My finals photos, Decoration at my training, new watch, Snapple my favourite drink, Cuddles with the nephew, barn owl handling, Lush Oxford Street, Pamper evening face and foot mask, White chocolate waffle.

May has been quite a weird month for me, and a lot has happened this month. I started a new job, went to London for training, met another owl, and had some pampering and baby cuddles...

As so much has happened I thought that it was only right that I talked about some of the highlights of the month for me!

I went to a chocolate making evening in Reading, and got to make some yummy treats. As soon as I walked through the door I was hit by the smell of chocolate. That was due to the three huge vats of chocolate in the back of the room, one white, one milk and one dark... It was amazing... On the table in front of us was a huge selection of sweets to use on our chocolate, although most of them made it into our mouths before it did our chocolate...

We got to select our favourite flavour of chocolate to be the base of our bars, and we could even swirl them with other chocolates, which I attempted to do... badly I might add! Then we got to stuff our bars full of sweets. Once they were done we moved onto making a chocolate lollipop, and three truffles. By then end of the evening I felt sick with the amount of sweets and chocolate that I had eaten but I still had an amazing time!

The day before I went off to do my training Tim and I decided to go and spend the day in London hunting down some of the Shaun the Sheep sculptures that are currently all over London. They are all based on different themes and sponsored by different companies, and the idea is that you try and find as many as you possibly can. There are free maps you can get and specific trials you can follow, but honestly the maps were so confusing that Tim and I gave up after finding a mere eight Shaun's. That was about the time we headed to Lush Oxford street which you've already heard a tonne about.

I hope you've all had a good May, I know I have, and I hope that my year continues to be full and interesting!

This Week I'm...

Reading: Lots and lots of blogs
Listening To: A 90's Playlist on Spotify
Playing: CSI on Xbox 360
Feeling: Lost at the moment to be honest
Looking Forward To: Getting better

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