Sum Up Sunday #18

Sunday, 10 May 2015

The last few weeks have been interesting for me, I got back from my film shoot and had an interview for a makeup counter job, which I am pleased to say I got!

After it was confirmed that I got the job I was sent off to London for three days to train for my new role, which I actually started yesterday. I honestly love my new job despite only having done it for a day, I really feel at home with what I am doing. If any of you bloggers are from the same area as me you can come and visit me in Camp Hopson's in Newbury.

So what else have I been up to?

Well I went to a chocolate making evening near Reading with my social group, and we got to make 3 chocolate bars, truffles and even a chocolate lollipop. It was honestly really fun, although I did go home feeling a little sick after eating so much chocolate!

I also had a massive clear out of my makeup and ended up throwing it pretty much all away, apart from what I use on a daily basis. Which of course we all know means I can go and buy new makeup, right?

I also had my first Creams whilst I was in London. They make crepe's, waffles and also ice cream, I know there is one in Reading so the next time I am there I will be popping in. I was recommended a White Chocolate waffle, which had banana and strawberries on it, and it was honestly unbelievably yummy... I am going to be sad when I am on my diet next week and have to give up all the naughty things...

This Week I'm...

Reading: The Curvy Girls Club by Michele Gorman
Listening To: Heart Radio, loving my club classics
Playing: Mario Kart with Tim on our 3DS'
Feeling: Excited to be getting back into a routine
Looking Forward To: Getting into the swing of being on a makeup counter
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