Blogger Meetup and Benefit Makeover!

Friday 17 May 2013

So yesterday I met up once more with the lovely Kerrie of Pish Posh and Polish, and we went and had our makeup done at the Benefit counter in Debenhams! I also brought my sister Tish along who writes Hello Old Friends.
 Tish looking beautiful with zero makeup!
 The lovely Kerrie!
 First off we had a sneaky McDonalds, and Kerrie gave me some beautiful nail polishes that she had cleared out of her collection (she has around 500 I think)! Then we headed off to Benefit to have our Makeover! I'm only going to include pics of my makeover, mainly because Tish and Kerrie will probably blog about their own over on their blogs!

First off here are some horrific pictures of me with NO makeup! FYI I am pulling a horrible face in these pics because I was facing into the sun:

I know what you are thinking. 'DAMN she looks bad without makeup', and my reply is... I know! So I was super excited for my makeover, and in particular to try out the 'Fake Up' under eye concealer! Let's just say I wasn't disappointed! Here are some pictures of my transformation:

 She did one half of my face first to show me the difference then did the other side!
 She was teaching me how to do my eyebrows!
 I wasn't too sure about the eyebrows to be honest..
 This is me blending out the brows!

So here are the final pictures of my transformation! FYI I think the eyebrows are TOTALLY wrong for me, but at least now I know how to do them, and I bought myself a blonde eyebrow pencil so they'll look more natural!

Here's a list of everything she used on my face (obviously they are all Benefit Products):
Triple Performing Facial Emulsion
It's Potent Eye Cream
The POREfessional
Hello Flawless Foundation in Ivory
Browzings in Light
They're Real Mascara
Dandelion Blusher
Fake up in Light
Neutrals Eye Pallete in Easiest Nudes

Us with the lovely ladies that did our makeup!

So I know you are all dying to know what I actually bought! I wish I could say my purse came away unscathed, but it did not. I bought a Fake Up concealer in Light, and a Primping with the Stars kit! I have the foundation in my sights, the POREfessional is definitely up there, and there was a lip product that both me and my sister loved that I'm also hoping to snatch up before it is discontinued!

All in all it was an awesome day, and it was actually the first time I had worn Benefit products! It was lovely to see Kerrie and I hope that we can meet up a lot more now I have moved back to Berkshire! Also I'm hoping to attend a few more blogger meetups now I am available!
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  1. You look really nice and fresh-faced without make-up :)

  2. Love your look and it sounds like you had a fab time xx

  3. I enjoyed this soo much! See you real soon lovvie!
