Wishlist Wednesday

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

I'm starting a new feature! Every Wednesday I'm going to be doing a wishlist post, with a theme, or from a certain shop. Today I found all these pretties on the John Lewis website. As you may or may not know (I've said it a billion times already) I am moving home in TWO WEEKS! As such I have been thinking a lot about how I would want my place to be decorated if I had my own room, which when I move home, I won't have. John Lewis is a store that I've always thought has some beautiful homeware, so I went and had a gander and this is what I have come up with:

  1. Vase: As soon as I saw this vase I knew it would be perfect for me! I mean come on, it has roses on it, and it's just beautiful! 
  2. Perfume Bottle: I love little trinkets like this and how cute would this look on a desk/shelf!
  3. Cake Stand: We all know I love baking, and I love how clean and elegant this cake stand looks, I can see myself using this all the time.
  4. Milk Bottles: This one is rather unusual, and that's why i love it! They look like the little glass bottles that Alice would drink the 'drink me' shrink potion from. You could also fill them with cute gems or something.
  5. Bird Tealight Holder: This is so cute. It's definitely one of my favourites out of all my picks, I can just see this hanging off of a shelf and instantly brightening up a room.
  6. Ceramic Owl: I like Owls. That is all.
  7. Ceramic Cow: Another unusual item, but again super cute! I could see this sitting in a kitchen.
  8. Heart Dish: I'd love to have this dish on my dressing table so that I could put my earrings in it! It's so simple and cute.
  9. Greenhouse: I'm not entirely sure what I would use this for, but it's pretty quirky and I'd definitely find somewhere for it!
So there you have it! My first Wishlist Wednesday! Also let me know what you think of the post title banners, I'm not entirely sure of them yet.
*This is a sponsored post
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1 comment:

  1. I would have all of those too xx

