I'm Doing It: Race For Life!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Doing something for charity has been on my list of life goals pretty much since I was in school, but I've never managed to commit myself to something. Every year I say to myself, 'I'll do the race for life' and then I always forget to sign up, and by the time I remember it's too late to really raise any money for the cause. This year is the year I break that habit, because I HAVE signed up! On Sunday the 6th of July I will be facing a 5k race, and I will be wearing a costume! I won't be running as such, my goal this year is to simply finish the race and have fun doing it.

Yes to encourage you all to get donating, I am putting my costume choice in your hands! If you would like to vote then please do so using the poll below. You may note that all my choices are costume that can be made in PINK, for obvious reasons. Before you vote though, please visit my JustGiving page and donate towards Cancer Research, and my Race For Life journey.

Or alternatively you can simply text ARMS92 followed by the amount you wish to donate (£1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10) to 70070, and this will automatically go to my JustGiving Page!

I've set myself a target of £100, seeing as this is my first ever fundraising event, but I would love to exceed that! I will be closing the the poll on the 6th of June, to give myself a month to get the costume ready, so please get your donations and votes in by then!

What costume shall I wear for the Race For Life?
Poll Maker
 photo signature_zpsdqnlsjzz.png

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