Adventure Lust: Theatre Shows Edition!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

I seriously enjoyed writing that graduation dress wishlist last night so I thought I would share a few more things that I am lusting for, this time Theatre and Show tickets... I studied Drama at secondary school and as such went to a few shows a year, since going to university I am ashamed to say that I haven't been to any shows. I am hoping to remedy that over the summer and here are some of the shows I HAVE to see.
  1. Wicked - I've wanted to see this show for SO long it's unbelievable. My sister got to go last year with her school and I was seriously jelly! I simply have to see this soon, especially seeing as I already know the lyrics to some of the more popular songs. 
  2. The Woman in Black - I studied this in Drama at school, and at the time we did go and see the stage show, however ever since seeing the Daniel Radcliffe film version last year I have been desperate to go and see the show again! What I remember of the show was being pretty scared, because our teachers had filled our heads with rumours of the Woman in Black walking through the audience. I also remember screaming rather loudly at one point... 
  3. Cirque Du Soleil London - I have ALWAYS wanted to go and see this show. The acrobatics, the make up, the costumes and the music. What is not to like? I have almost gone to the show a few times to be honest, even once in Vegas. I got super excited when I saw it was playing at the O2 this summer! I am seriously considering it... 
  4. Shrek The Musical - My mum's friend actually alerted me to the existence of this show. She went to see it last summer and said that the special effects were amazing. I am a MASSIVE fan of special effects, and not only that but Shrek too! I'm pretty sure I can quote almost the entire of the first and second Shrek films because we always used to watch them in school before the summer break when the teachers ran out of things to teach us. Unfortunately this musical is currently closed! *sobs* 
  5. Sarah Millican - I don't even know if this counts as a show but I don't care. I LOVE this woman. I had a chance to see her at the Arts Centre in Aberystwyth last year but by the time I went to buy tickets they were already gone. I think I literally cried. She is one of the only female comedians that I actually find funny. That's not me being sexist, I just think she's funny without playing too much on sexism, or race. 
So there you have it! Here are 5 of the shows that I am desperate to see. Does anyone want to come with me/buy the tickets? No? 

Hope you enjoyed! Let me know in the comments if there are any shows you are dying to see!
*This is a sponsored post.
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  1. I went to see wicked for my birthday, it was so amazing. I was in a trance the whole time, it was so magical. The cast was amazing. I would highly recommend it, the tickets prices are not too bad. Definitely go when you get the chance. A good disconut website for shows is tm deals, a ticketmaster sister site but they have like half off and stuff and they change up the musicals quite frequently.

  2. Wicked is doing a big arena tour this year so might be coming near you? It's definitely worth seeing! I saw Shrek twice, it was epicly cheesy but brilliant-they had a 25ft flying dragon puppet!!!!!! Also Millican is AMAZING. I met her at the stage door last time we saw her, it was awesome!

    I'm a proper theatre nut, I live for it, and my list is as long as my arm! At the moment I want to see Matilda and War Horse quite a lot, and then I want to see quite a lot of shows again-Rock of Ages and Spamalot are at the top of that list. I want to see more Shakespeare and I'm currently trying to persuade my friends to come see Hairspray with me on my birthday this year. ALL the theatre!
