Primark Haul #1!

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

So when I went home last week I went a little overboard in Primark. I hardly ever get to go to Primark anymore, so when I tend to buy literally EVERYTHING I want. I had picked up twice as much as what I actually came out with but some of it just didn't suit me when I tried it on! So here is what I ended up with:

 The first things I snapped up were these dresses at only £5 each! I'll admit I first saw these two dresses on another blog and I knew I would HAVE to have them, after trying them on and confirming they flattered me I couldn't really say no. These two are perfect for summer, I especially love the rose print one (for obvious reasons).

The next two things I picked up were pretty practical. I've been in need of a normal length black cardigan for a LONG time. Currently I only own a black cut off one, so I saw this for £6 and grabbed it! I've also been in need of a long navy jumper, so picked one up as I walked past them! Then I kind of went mad for tops...

I saw this top as I was walking towards the cue, it was put in the wrong place and I picked it up and it was my size! It was fate. I had to have it. It's got this really cute print and then the spikes on the shoulder! Plus it is super comfy!

When I saw this one I had a little giggle at the slogan written on it. Me and my friends are forever putting on terrible French accents and shouting 'OUI OUI' at each other. So I knew I couldn't not buy this. In fact I showed this to my friend Ellie and she laughed so hard!

This top is kind of like the one above but with a spikey collar. I've been meaning to get into this whole spikes trend for a long time and I finally took the plunge!

I almost died when I saw this top. I absolutely LOVE dip dye, and skull prints are one of my favourites (even though I don't own any). Also I like the fact that this is pink, there isn't enough pink in my wardrobe!

So there you have it! there is what I bought at Primark! I was going to take pictures of myself in the clothing but I am unwell at the moment and as such I look and feel like death. Plus I didn't have anyone to take the pictures for me.

Let me know in the comments if you've snapped up any bargains at Primark recently! Or tell me what your favourite is out of all my buys!
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  1. Awesome haul. I bought both those dresses when I last went into Primark. I couldn't pass them up at that price.
