Blogger Bake Along to GBBO: Chocolate, Salted Caramel and Pecan Quick Bread

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Welcome back the the #Bloggerbakealong everyone! I can't believe we are on week three already... how time flies... am I right? So this week it's all about bread... Quick Bread to be precise. Once again this weeks recipe is courtesy of my 'The Great British Bake Off: Celebrations' Recipe book that I picked up from Tesco a few weeks ago...

First off I had to make the dough. I did this by sifting the dry ingredients together into a bowl, then roughly chopping my pecans before mixing them in. Once this was done I made a well in the centre of the ingredients ready for out wet mixture.

To create the 'wet' mixture I first melted butter and sugar together before stirring in buttermilk, followed by beaten egg. Once all combined I simply had to pour it into the well I had already created!

Then using a wooden spoon I incorporated the ingredients until I had a slightly wet sticky dough.Which I then turned onto a floured surface and kneaded for a few seconds. Finally halving the mixture, rolling it into a ball, flattening it with my palm, and scoring a cross into it. Then placing both loaves in the oven for 30-35 minutes. Removing them once firm, and leaving to cool completely.

Whilst that was baking I had to do the bit I was most nervouse about... caramel. Firstly I made the salted caramel sauce by melting butter into whipping cream and salt, and leaving this aside. Then heating sugar up until it boiled and became a golden caramel colour, immediately removing it from the heat and adding a small amount of the cream mixture, before using a wooden spoon to stir in the rest of the creamy mixture. Then I made my caramelised pecans by repeating the caramel step, and pouring it over pecan halves, then leaving it to set!

Then all I had to do was put it all together. I was pretty impressed with the final product and I cannot wait to taste it once I take it out to my mum's later!

Mummy Mishaps

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