Beauty Besties: Beauty Box Swap

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Welcome back to Beauty Besties, it's been a few weeks since we've managed to get a post together, but we've done it! This week Kerrie (Pish, Posh and Polish), and I decided to make up Beauty Boxes for each other as a little surprise for one another. So we met up in the week for dinner and swapped boxes, and I literally couldn't wait to get home to open my box and see what was inside! Believe me when I say that Kerrie thoroughly spoilt me, please watch the video below to see what I got in my box...

There were so many amazing products in my box, some of which I literally couldn't wait to start using, and some I have been using every day since I opened the box. Have you done a Beauty Box Swap before, if so what is the best thing you ever received?
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