Sum Up Monday #23

Monday, 3 August 2015

From Top Left to Bottom Right: Comfortable Cat, New Running Shoes, Cinema Selfie #1, Inside Out Sippy Cups, Baking again, Sven and Olaf, Cinema Selfie #2, GBBO New Book, Walking Maizey.

I'm surprised with what I have managed to get done last week to be honest. I've been to the cinema twice, starting running, done some baking for the first time in seven months, and managed to take my dog for a stunning country walk!

Let's start with the cinema. Tim and I both get the Meerkat Movies 2 for 1 cinema tickets, so we decided to go to the cinema twice last week! Firstly we went to see Inside Out which I have been dying to see since I first saw the trailer... When we got to the concessions we saw they had these sippy cups with the characters on top, and I knew I had to have one. I went for Sadness and Tim opted for Anger, which is funny because they both turned out to be our favourite characters in the entire movie! I don't want to give too much away but it was such a good film, and was very true to the Pixar aesthetic, and there were even a few tear jerker moments included. There was also a really cool Pixar short shown at the beginning about two volcanoes that was super cute!

Then the next night we opted for something the complete opposite and went to see a new horror film, The Gallows. I don't know what we really expected with this but honestly Tim and I were both pretty on edge watching this. Although I was disappointed to see it followed the whole 'hand-held' camera trend that has become super popular among horror films ever since Paranormal Activity was released, I was actually pleasantly surprised. If there is one thing that this film has in spades, it is suspense... There were points in the film where I was literally holding my breathe because it was so tense. I was surprised that there was actually a pretty good twist at the end that I personally didn't see coming, although Tim claims he knew pretty early on in the film. Either way this one is definitely worth a watch!

Last week also saw the first time in SEVEN MONTHS that I have baked anything. I literally cannot fathom how it has been that long since I last baked something... Anyway, as you may know if you read my blog I am taking part in a Bake Along with GBBO challenge and myself and the other bloggers were far too excited to wait until GBBO started (this wednesday) and so we set ourselves the challenge of making something from one of the Ex-Contestants. I made myself some Pain au chocolat blanc made by the one and only Louis from last season. You can check out how they turned out here

Finally yesterday Tim and I went over to see Maizey and decided to take her for a long summer walk. It was a good opportunity for me to show Tim some of my Village that he has never seen, and also to take Maizey on a walk that she had never done before! We managed to find a random pile of logs on our trial and decided to used them as a photo opportunity, and it actually turned out pretty well!

What have you been up to the past week?

Currently I'm:
Reading: I've literally just finished Evil in Return by Elena Forbes
Listening To: Oldschool Eminem
Playing: Flash games online
Feeling: Excited for GBBO on Wednesday
Looking Forward To: Summer in the City!! (still)

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