Kiko Intensive Lip Mask

Monday, 18 April 2016

Photograph of the Kiko Intensive Lip Mask packaging
Kiko Intensive Lip Mask!
A few weeks ago when I was in Reading meeting up with the lovely Lisa from United Cakedom, we decided to pop into Kiko and see what they had around. At the time they had a bit of a clearance sale happening and they were offering 5 items (from the clearance section) for £10. That was an opportunity that I simply couldn't pass up.

One of the items that caught my eye as we were walking around the store were this intensive lip masks. I've seen plenty of Youtubers use lip masks before and I always think that they look absolutely ridiculous. However having said that, my lips have been in a terrible state recently, so I thought to myself, 'What do I have to lose?'

Photograph of the Kiko Intensive Lip Mask in action
Lip Mask in action
The lip masks come individually packaged in foil sachets, and then when you take them out they come between two pieces of plastic, presumably to stop them from sticking to the sachet. When I took the mask out I was quite surprised at how wet it was, that may sound a bit silly but I didn't expect there to be that much moisture. Anyway, one side of the mask is smooth and the other is all bobbly, I believe you are supposed to wear the mask bobbly side down, but as you may be able to tell from the photo above, I wore it the wrong way round. I don't think it really effected the results in any way, as both sides of the mask were really wet with the mixture.

So the whole idea of this is that you slap it on your lips and leave it for 10-15 minutes, which doesn't sound like a lot. I found out though that keeping your mouth shut for 15 minutes straight (when you are me) is actually pretty difficult. By the time the mask was done I couldn't wait to take it off of my face, mainly to open my mouth again! Once it was off I noticed that my lips looked a little plumper, and a lot smoother. I suffer quite badly with dry lips, and I could tell that they were a lot more hydrated than before.

Considering the offer that I purchased these on I only paid £2 for them, and you get 3 in a box. Unfortunately they aren't reusable, which is a but of a shame, but for £2, it's still worth it. I did have a look on the Kiko website and it seems as though they have discontinued these now, so I will be using these sparingly until I can find a replacement. If you have any suggestions for any good, not too expensive lip masks then please let me know in the comments!
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