Pretty Prairie Charms

Friday, 27 September 2013

It was actually a fair while ago that I ordered these Prairie Charm goodies, but what with moving jobs, and trying to sort my life out, I completely forgot about these little beauties! I have finally gotten around to doing my hair more recently and as such I have been finding chances to wear this little cuties!

I found out about Prairie Charms when I saw that they had tweeted one of my blogger friends about their Project Blogger opportunity, of course I jumped straight in and asked if I could get involved. That same night I ordered what I wanted and within a week this arrived in the post.

 I absolutely love the packaging that they were wrapped in, they also came in a shiny purple envelope. It definitely stood out from your average package! I have to admit I squealed a little bit when I was opening these. I know you are all dying to know what I got.

The first thing that caught my eye on the website were these cute Tala Heart Bows.

 I've been dying to wear hair bows since the beginning of time, however with me being so useless at doing my hair, I NEVER get around to buying any. However as soon as I say these babies, I knew I had to have them. Blue is my FAVOURITE colour (if you hadn't already guessed from my layout), and the little love hearts make these super cute and girly!

The next thing that I spied was these Rose Bobby Pins, I couldn't find the original link but there are similar ones on the website here.

For obvious reasons, I was drawn to these lovely and very realistic little rose bobby pins. I got three in these lovely, fresh colours. When I first saw the picture of these I thought they were made out of fabric, however they are actually made out of this foam kind of material, making them fairly durable little flowers. I definitely want to get some more of these!

The final product that I absolutely had to have was the Olivia Crown.

This beautiful rose flower crown was definitely my favourite item of the order. I couldn't stop looking at it on top of my head and smiling! I really love the peachy colour of the roses, and it's one that's definitely different for me. The roses are made from the same foamy material as the bobby pin roses, and I think this is the perfect summer accessory! To be honest, I plan on rocking this right into autumn, and I think I picked the perfect colour for that!

Overall I was overjoyed with every single thing that I ordered from Prairie Charms, and as soon as I get paid I plan to buy more goodies! If you want to take a look, then visit the Prairie Charms Website, or follow them on Twitter.

The more eagle eyed of you will have also noticed that it is not me in the photos. I am useless at taking photos of myself, let alone photos of my hair. So instead of getting rubbish pictures I asked my beautiful sister to let me take pictures of the items in her hair! You can check out here blog here.

Until next time...

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