Sum Up Sunday #5

Sunday, 28 December 2014

From top left to bottom right: Cute box for my new hobby, Pajama Selfie with the boyf, Christmas Jumper, Christmas Make-up, Christmas Selfie game with the sis, Cuddles with my doggy, Maizey thinks she's a cat, Chocolate Mousse Cake, Getting Tim's niece to sleep.

This week was Christmas! If you didn't know that then where have you been? It's been a very fun, and also very tiring week, I can't wait to use the next week to relax...

I've decided to pick up a new hobby, and I needed a box to keep all my stuff in for that hobby, so after a quick trip into TK Maxx I spotted this adorable Parisian style box, and it's the perfect size for all of my things.

For Christmas Eve, Tim and I decided to start a new tradition whereby we buy each other Christmassy Pajamas, and it just so happened that this year, our pajamas matched. 

Then comes all the Christmas Day photos, which of course feature lots of selfies. I bought Maizey a Christmas dress, and she loved it and looked so cute in it! She wanted lot of Christmas Day cuddles, and I even managed to get her to attempt to open her Christmas present (a new dog bed). Christmas Day was also the first time that I have ever worn properly red lipstick, and I think I liked it... 

On Boxing Day Tim and I headed over to his families for our second Christmas Day and we got to have lots of cuddles with his Niece. She was feeling a little under the weather and was fighting not to go to sleep, so I laid her down and rocked her to sleep. Tim was seriously impressed with me!

This Week I'm...

Reading: All the baking books that I have been bought for Christmas, and struggling to decide what to bake.
Listening to: The Frozen Soundtrack (Agian)
Feeling: Tired after a long week of Christmas Festivities!
Looking Forward to: Sleeping in every day for the next week, before having to go back to work!

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