Whittard: Hot Chocolate Selection

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

What seems like an age ago, but was only the beginning of the month, Tim and I went to Bristol to do our Christmas shopping. We both have a soft spot for Bristol, with it being our first holiday away together and also the first time we said THOSE three words... So going to Bristol for Christmas was a no-brainer for us.

Whilst we were there we made our way into a Whittard store. which I have seen around plenty of times, but have never wandered into myself. I initially went in with the purpose of taking a look at their coffee, as I have come to enjoy the odd coffee every now and again, however I happened upon this Hot Chocolate Selection and thought it would be perfect for the winter months!

I can't remember exactly how much we paid for this, and unfortunately cannot for the life of me find it on their website. I did manage to find it on Debenhams website and they are selling it for £18.50, but I am sure that the weekend we went in they had 30% off so we got it a little cheaper.

It comes with 8 different flavours of hot chocolate and there are three servings in each box, meaning you get 24 servings out hot chocolate altogether. You also get a box of mini marshmallows to go with your chocolate, and who can resist those right? 

The flavours it comes with are:
  • Mint Hot Chocolate
  • Luxury White Hot Chocolate
  • Praline Hot Chocolate
  • Luxury Hot Chocolate
  • Orange Hot Chocolate
  • Christmas Pudding Hot Chocolate
  • Caramel Hot Chocolate
  • Dreamtime Hot Chocolate

I was honestly drawn to the Christmas Pudding flavoured and the dreamtime hot chocolates. Having never seen something that is Christmas Pudding flavoured other than Christmas pudding, and always being on the lookout for something to relax me before bedtime. Sadly I have not had a chance to try either of these yet, but I plan to remedy that tonight! I have however tried the Luxury Hot Chocolate and can vouch for it being amazingly tasty. One thing I would like to say it make sure you follow the instructions! Tim and I heated our milk and then tipped the hot chocolate in, and had some serious trouble mixing it, as it just seemed to want to float on the top. After reading the instructions I found out that you are supposed to pour the milk over the hot chocolate powder. I haven't had a chance to try it this way yet, but I'm sure it will be better than our mixing experience last time.

Honestly I think this gift set is a little overpriced for what it is, and I wouldn't have bought it had we not gotten a discount on it, but if you are looking to try several new flavours of hot chocolate and do not want to buy them in full size before being sure of them, then this is definitely for you.

Let me know in the comments which flavour you would most like to try from the list above!

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