A-Z of Me: F is for Food Obsessive

Monday, 15 December 2014

Believe it or not, I actually used to be a very fussy eater. In fact I went through a period in my life where all I ate for dinner was peanut butter on toast, and also another phase where all I ate was plain pasta with cheese on it. Thankfully since going to Uni and having to fend for myself a lot more, my tastes seem to have developed. I still can't stand tomato ketchup or baked beans, but beyond that I have made progress.

I think it's really since Tim and I have moved in together that my passion for cooking has grown. We got ourselves a subscription to BBC Easy Cook magazine, and that gets dropped on our doorstep once a month, giving up plenty of new ideas!

I really feel like the thing to remember when you try a new recipe, is that you have to eat it, so if there are any ingredients in the recipe you don't like, then replace them for something you do like. Secondly it's important to not be afraid to try new things, and slightly more complicated recipes. As long as you follow a recipe step-by-step then it should turn out pretty decent. However if you don't have time to cook, then having a ready meal once in a while won't harm you either...

Here are some of my favourite things to cook (and eat):

Here are some foods that I would like to eat more of, along with a recipe I plan to try:

Fish: I've never been a massive fan of fish, but whenever I see TV chef's cooking it, I think it looks so yummy. Recently I watched Mary Berry's Absolute Christmas Favourites and she showed off her Christmas Eve fish pie with a crouton topping. It looks seriously delicious.

Eggs: I've always been a bit funny with eggs, not really liking them to be runny, and as such I don't really often cook any egg based recipes, though I really feel like I should. A lot of people debate about what kind of eggs to buy nowadays, but for me I just like to make sure that they are British Lion Eggs, that way I know they are safe for me. I also know people used to worry about the cholesterol in eggs, but to be honest those kinds of things never worried me. Having a look on the BBC website I came across this recipe from the Hairy Bikers, that sounds to die for...

Vegetarian: I went veggie for a whole month a few years ago, and it opened my eyes to a new way of cooking and eating. Since then I haven't really tried to continue eating vegetarian, but I think sometimes it makes a nice difference to have it. This Sweet Potato Curry sounds right up my street, I wonder if I could convince Tim to eat this...

So there you have it, I hope you've learned a little something about me and my eating habits today, and please let me know in the comments what food you would like to eat more of.
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