Sum Up Sunday #8

Sunday, 18 January 2015

This week has been pretty standard for me to be honest. I have been sticking to my diet and exercise plan, and I still haven't found it hard, or wanted to give up yet, which to be honest is amazing for me! A lot of what I have been up to this week, is blogging, to make sure you all have plenty of posts to read...

Last Sunday Tim and I popped into Basingstoke to do a bit of shopping, and we headed over to Pets At Home to get some Gerbil supplies. Outside were some beautiful owls from a rescue charity, and you could donate £2 and take a picture holding one of the Owls! Honestly the best £2 I think I have ever spent. I picked the smallest owl there, because he was just too cute, and Tim got some seriously great shots of him. The handler was telling me that he used to be kept in a tiny cat crate in the dark, so he used to crane his head right back to see some light, that's what he is doing in the picture above. Also because the crate was so small and he never flew his wings didn't develop properly so now he cannot fly. I'm so glad the team rescued him, I hate to think of this little beauty in the dark...

During the evenings this week I have been unwinding by playing an online version of Cards Against Humanity, which if you haven't heard of already, is probably the most offensive and hilarious game ever created. You win a point if your card is the most funny and the first to ten points wins. If you want to give it a go then click here

Yesterday Tim and I went to Bills in Newbury for a little lunchtime treat, and it was lovely. I had a butternut squash Mac n Cheese... It was so yummy, I'm salivating just thinking about eating it again! We were very good and had no extras, and I just had a cranberry juice with my meal, so I'm hoping it wasn't too unhealthy an option for my diet...

Then we went out to see my mum as she isn't well at the minute, and I taught her all about Pinterest! She was looking for knitting patterns online and I thought Pinterest would be the perfect place for her to find some, and I was right! I even had a go at knitting, and I wasn't too bad at it, so I may have to pick myself up some knitting gear this year! When I was sitting on the sofa with one knee up, Tigger decided that he want to lay on that knee... He climbed up and dug his claws in and he looked so pleased with himself... He didn't last long there though I had to put my knee down he was clawing me so much!

I hope you've all had a wonderful week, and I'll see y'all in the next one.

This week I'm...

Reading: The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly (Still)
Listening To: Topsify playlist on Spotify and loving Uptown Funk...
Playing: Hidden Object Games (more to come on the blog soon)
Feeling: Happy that I lost weight again this week!
Looking Forward To: Having a naughty slice of cake later today (More on the blog soon)

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  1. That Mac n Cheese looks amazing! Looking at it is making me so hungry which is not going to help me with my diet! Ha. Great post btw!

  2. Oh that owl looks so adorable!! Love the sound of the card game, going to have to take a look at that now! Sorry your Mum isn't well lovely, hope she improves soon - it's awful when our Mums are poorly isn't it - I always feel so helpless. Hope Pinterest cheered her up a bit xx
