Friday Favourites #11

Friday, 19 June 2015

Welcome back to Friday Favourites, it feels like it's been forever since I did one of these posts, but I'm finally trying to get my bum in gear and get back into some sort of blogging schedule so here I am!

I have found a new series on Youtube that I am absolutely in love with, Man vs. Pin! Each week the host, Rob, takes on a popular Pinterest pin and gives a go, ultimately testing whether it is real, or fake. My favourites include the crayon art, the lightbulb terrarium, and the glow cloud! You can check out the playlist here.

I am so in love with dark to light blue ombre hair, and I am currently contemplating whether or not to take the plunge and do this to my own hair... what do you think, should I do it?

 My new blog banner, and button are so perfect and they were created by the super talented Carly who runs her own blog sharing her artwork and illustrations, so make sure to go and check her out.

I know Gossip Girl ended FOREVER ago, but I have been going back and watching it from the start, as I have seriously missed it, and I definitely have a Gossip Girl shaped hole in my life right now. Currently on season 3 so I am powering through, it's also gives you a completely new perspective on the old episodes when you actually know who Gossip Girl is!

Has anyone else been as amazingly excited about E3 as I have? There have been some epic announcements from the new Assassin's Creed being set in London, to the Microsoft hololens, and how it can be used in gaming. One of the games I am most excited for however is Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer! It's a completely new way to play in the Animal Crossing Universe, and we all know how obsessed I am with those games right?

Thanks to the new Meerkat Movies promotion (2 for 1 cinema tickets), Tim and I have been going to the cinema every week. This week we got to see one of my favourite actresses Melissa McCarthy in Spy. I already know that anything she is in is going to be hilarious, because I cannot contain my laughter when she is involved. However I did not expect Jason Statham to be as funny as he was. Seriously if you get a chance to see this movie, then go, you will not be disappointed.

Let me know in the comments what you have been enjoying this week!

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