Bloggers Bake Along to GBBO: Bzzzzzy Bee Dairy Free Ice-cream Roll

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Before we kick off with this week's bake I just wanted to announce that I got Star Baker in the Great Bloggers Bake Off 2015 hosted by Jenny of Mummy Mishaps, for our Week Four Trio of Cheesecakes!!! 

I was so pleased when I saw that Jenny had picked me on her round-up post, considering how hard I worked on those cheesecakes too! Anyway on to this weeks bake...

How is it Week FIVE already? It feels like I was just settling down to watch the first episode of the new series yesterday... This week in the tent the bakers tackled 'free-from' baking in the form of sugar-free cakes, gluten free pitta's and dairy free ice-cream rolls. You may have already guessed from the title that I picked the latter of the three... Mainly because since #bingate last year I have been dying to make a bake with ice-cream, and I can confirm it is surprisingly tricky! Before I go ahead to the recipe I must admit that I forgot to take a lot of the photos this week so there are some steps missing... in the panic of trying to get my ice-cream set... I just forgot about taking pictures for the blog.

So I started out by making my ice-cream base, which I forgot to take pictures of *slaps face* but it was a basic dairy free vanilla ice-cream and the recipe I used can be found here.

I'm not sure if you can tell by the title but the theme of my bake was Honey, so I decided to flavour my ice-cream with honey comb, so I made this by boiling sugar and golden syrup until caramel coloured, and then quickly whisking in Bicarbonate of Soda, and then pouring it onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper to set. The recipe I used for this is here. Then once my honeycomb was set, and my ice cream was just set and not runny, I combined the two together in a bowl, and then poured it onto a clingfilm covered baking tray, rolling it up in a sausage shape before putting it in the freezer to set. This was honestly the hardest part of the entire bake... and it took a couple of attempts and some added tin foil for support, but I got it in the freezer...

Whilst that was chilling I got on with my honey flavoured dairy free sponge, the recipe for which you can find here. This involved whisking together egg yolks, honey and sugar, adding flour gradually, then whisking the egg whites until they formed peaks, before carefully combining the two mixtures bit by bit. I've never made a sponge in my life that required so much elbow grease! Then I took 1/3 of the mixture and coloured it black with gel food colour, and then popped a little yellow gel food colour into the rest of the mixture to make it a little brighter. Then I put the black mixture in a piping bag, and piped diagonal stripes onto a baking paper lined tray, then taking the yellow mixture and pouring it evenly over the top. I'm not going to lie, at this point it looked a mess and I was hoping and praying that it came out edible... this then went into the oven for 30 mins. When I turned it out I was very pleased to see my striped pattern had turned out quite well! (have you guessed why I did the stripes yet?)

Whilst the sponge was still hot I sandwiched it between two sheets of baking paper, and then rolled it up over a rolling pin, ensuring that my design was on the outside of the roll! Then I had to leave this to cool completely...

Once the sponge was cool and my ice-cream sausage had completely set, I unrolled the sponge, placing the ice-cream on one edge. Then I rolled it up in the sponge, transferred it to my serving board, and decorated it with some beautiful fresh roses, because we all know how much bees love flowers right! So there is my HONEY BEE inspired ice-cream roll... We all had a slice immediately and were delighted by how subtle but delicious the honey flavour was in the cake. Admittedly this cake is a lot denser than your standard sponge, but I attribute that to it being fatless, it was still amazingly delicious!

Mummy Mishaps
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