Friday Favourites #18

Friday, 4 September 2015

Happy Friday everyone! I hope your week has been good, and that you are all excited for the weekend ahead... It's that time again when I share with you funny things that I have found on the internet this week that have just made me ROFLMAO...

You can always rely on The Lad Bible for some internet related hilarity, and this week they asked people to sum up their first sexual experiences using GIFs... You can check out the full article here, and trust me there are some pretty good ones, although the final one is probably my personal favourite...

Before I go to bed, I always check my Vine in the hopes that I can have one final giggle before I drift off to the land of nod. This week I came across the above vine and I swear to god, I was laughing so hard I was crying, and I couldn't get to sleep for an hour because every time I closed my eyes all I saw was the sloth...

Tom Fletcher from supergroup McBusted has done it again this week and officially melted the hearts of the entire internet! I don't want to spoil the video just in case you haven't seen it, but let's just say I hope I'm this awesome when I become a parent...

So Summer has finally come to an end... and Autumn approaches, and when it gets to this time of year, I know there is only one thing on my mind... Thomas Sanders (my favourite Viner of all time) summed up my feelings pretty well. Took the words right out of my mouth!

The top picture is my teeth now and the picture below is my teeth last week, you can see the orange mark on the right tooth at the front. I couldn't find a better picture...

My final Friday Favourite may be cheating... because it doesn't come from the internet, it comes from me! Yesterday I went to the dentist for the first time in four years (I know...) because I'm a little concerned about one of my Wisdom teeth which is currently coming in sideways... Here's where a little bit of back story needs to come in...

My child dentist filled in the shape of my front teeth when I was a teen, and a week later I had this weird orange stain on my front tooth that has been there ever since. It may sound stupid but that one tiny mark made me feel like the rest of my teeth look disgusting. Especially after the years and years of dental treatment and braces that I went through it was heartbreaking! 

So I was sitting in the chair waiting for my X-rays to come back when I happened to mention the mark to the dentist, so suggested we try and buff it off. I was happy to let her try thinking that there was no way in hell that mark was going without the 'filling' being removed and redone. Anyway five minutes later she hands me the mirror, and I have a look and it is GONE. My initial response was literally, 'You are kidding me...', I felt myself tear up right away.

Now I know that sounds stupid, because it's just one little mark at the end of the day, but that has been one of my biggest insecurities for a long time, and now it is gone and I feel like I can smile again without having my teeth judged!

What have you been enjoying this week?
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