2 Years Together...

Thursday 15 October 2015

I can't believe that Tim and I have been together for two whole years now. This is the longest relationship that I have ever had, and not only that, it is by far the best that I have ever had...

If you had told me a few years ago that I would meet a guy that was so perfectly suited to me as Tim is, I would have laughed in your face, and yet here we are!

This anniversary Tim and I went out for dinner, and then to the cinema to see The Intern. Not only that but this weekend he is whisking me away to a secret place for a weekend away, just the two of us. I will admit that the only reason that he's keeping the location a secret is because I guessed the first two locations he had chosen... Sometimes I can be the worst! Thankfully he managed to see the funny side, but is definitely keeping the final location close to his chest!

On top of being taken away Tim decided to get me some gifts also! The first gift I received a little early, and was The Elder Scrolls Online for Xbox One. Of course I wasted no time in creating my character Arieta, and so far I am enjoying it greatly. Then on our actual anniversary he came home with a bunch of roses, and a lovely card with something beautiful written inside. Then yesterday evening he surprised me again with a beautiful Pandora charm for my bracelet that he bought me one year on my birthday! I am such a lucky lady!

To celebrate two years together I thought I would find a few questions I could answer about the past year.

What has brought you closer together this year?

I think the one thing that has brought us closer together the most this year would have to be moving in with Tim's parents. It's not the easiest thing to do, moving in with someone's parents that you've never lived with before. There's been times when it's put a strain on us, but it's definitely made us stronger as a couple. We talk about our issues now a lot more than we used to, which is great.

What is your favourite memory of this year?

My favourite memory would have to be seeing Tim hold his nieces and nephews. He is so cute with them because he's always worried that he's going to drop them or something silly like that, but in reality he's actually pretty good with them. Even better is how he looks at me when I am holding them and making them laugh or smile, he just always looks at me with this look... I can't describe it, but it makes me feel so loved and special.

If you could do anything differently what would that be?

I think if I could redo this year, then I would definitely decide not to move in with Tim's parents. Whilst it's turned out fine, as a couple we definitely need our own space. We are currently looking into places to rent, and are hoping to move out soon. I know that as soon as we have more room to breathe are relationship will grow even better!

What are your hopes for the next year?

First off and most importantly I want us to have our own space. As mentioned above we are already working on this. Then I think I just want us to keep learning about each other, and growing together. I'm not going to lie I am approaching the age where I have always wanted to have a baby, but we'll just see what the next year holds for us. Maybe this time next year we'll be there, maybe we'll need a little longer. I honestly couldn't care less as long as I have my Tim by my side.

Apologies for the soppy-ness in this post guys, sometimes I just can't help myself!

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