Bloggers Bake Along to GBBO: Salted Caramel Chocolate Tart

Sunday, 4 October 2015

I know... I know... another salted caramel recipe... I just can't help myself because it tastes so good! Plus it was honestly the first thing that popped into my head once I decided to make a chocolate tart.

As I sat watching the Bake Off on Wednesday, listening to the bakers say how difficult it is to work with chocolate pastry, I almost laughed. 'How difficult can it really be?' I thought to myself. The answer to that question is of course very difficult. I can honestly say I will never underestimate chocolate pastry again. It was just difficult to combine, difficult to roll, and then difficult to tell when baked...

One I had my pastry case in the oven I set about making my salted caramel sauce, which involved boiling brown sugar, cream, and butter together until it looked vaguely like caramel. Then once my case was baked I poured a little of the caramel sauce right into the base of the case and left it to set slightly. Then I got to work on the chocolate filling, the process of which is very similar to the making of chocolate ganache. I boiled cream, sugar and vanilla essence over the hob and then poured them over chocolate and butter, whisking until smooth. I then simply spooned the mixture over the top of my caramel and smoothed it over. This then went into the fridge to set for two hours.

For some reason I decided that my decoration hasn't really been up to scratch and us such I decided to attempt to pipe an intricate design onto my tart. I did this using left over white chocolate I had from last week's bake, which I then piped into a swirling pattern.

Overall I am very happy with my tart, and even happy with my piping! Considering is was my first attempt at free-hand piping a design from my head (rather than a picture), I'm very pleased! Trust me when I say it tastes as good as it looks, already can't wait to have another slice...

What have you baked this week?

Mummy Mishaps
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