24 Before 24: Final Roundup

Sunday 31 January 2016

If you've been around here a while then you will know the drill with these lists, but if not here's a quick explanation. Every year, around my birthday I make a list of things I would like to accomplish before I hit the next year older. As I am turning 24 on Tuesday last year I made a list of 24 things I wanted to do before I reached 24. So let's see how I got on...
  1. Get halfway to my goal weight by Tim's Birthday - FAIL - This one unfortunately never happened, due to problems with my mental health.
  2. Become a Qualified Make Up Artist - SUCCESS - In February last year I did a Film, TV and Theatre makeup course, and completed it, as such I am in fact a qualified make up artist.
  3. Finally get my career on track - FAIL - I still am 100% undecided with what I want to do with my life. Shortly after becoming qualified I did work on a Benefit counter, but it was still retail which is not what I want to do, so I am working on it.
  4. Become a 'Yes' person - FAIL - There are plenty of opportunities that I said yes to that I never would have before, such as being a make up assistant at Goodwood revival, but I still feel like I never truly let go and took everything that came my way.
  5. Beat my time on the Race for Life 5k - FAIL - This one is a fail because I never entered the Race for Life last year... Something I am definitely remedying this year!
  6. Read 25 books - FAIL - I think at the final count I had read 15... Which is still really good going for me. This years goal is another 25, we'll see how I get on...
  7. Reboot my Youtube Channel - SUCCESS - I did reboot my channel and at it's height I was posting once a week. Unfortunately due to the aforementioned mental health issues this did not last, but this year is the one.
  8. Visit Three New Places in the UK - FAIL - I successfully visited two new places off of my own back and loved them both. We went to Brighton last summer, and had a magical day. Then for our anniversary we went to Windsor, and spent some time at the castle, such a beautiful place.
  9. Complete all the Games I own before buying new ones - FAIL - I've bought so many new games this year... That's because there are just too many good games being released and I don't want to miss out, but I really must finish the ones I already own!
  10. Buy a house - FAIL - Tim and I are still uncertain with what we are doing about moving out of his parents, but hopefully we will have our own place soon, whether it is renting or buying.
  11. Become Crafty - FAIL - I did buy some crafty bits and pieces, Tim and I even made our own Christmas cards for our closest family!
  12. Exercise at least TWICE a week - FAIL - Tim and I have been exercising more in the past year but have failed to make it a regular thing.
  13. Go Sober - SUCCESS - I have been sober for an entire year, off of the back of a really bad drunken experience and terrible hangover I had last year. Still I am super proud of myself.
  14. Take up a Sport - FAIL - I still haven't chosen a sport/found a local women's team I am keen on joining.
  15. Do something for the Make a Wish Foundation - FAIL- This one really upsets me because whenever I think of charity my mind drifts to the Make a Wish foundation.
  16. Keep Dating - SUCCESS - Tim and I continued to 'date' each other, even if that only meant weekly cinema trips using our 2 for 1 meerkat movies tickets.
  17. Write something - FAIL - Other than my blog, I haven't written anything else, but I really want to!
  18. Make a Short Horror Film - FAIL - I have plenty ideas, but I really feel like my health knocked me on my ass a bit last year.
  19. Be more Social - SUCCESS - I met lots of new people last year when I joined some local Meetup groups, I want to do more of that this year!
  20. Create an app - FAIL - Tim and I keep on about making an app together, I'm good at ideas, and he's good at all the technical coding stuff, maybe this year.
  21. Learn Spanish - SUCCESS(ish) - I have been learning Spanish on and off using my iPhone App 'Duolingo' and according to that I am 30% fluent in Spanish.
  22. Start a Scrapbook/photo album - FAIL - I just don't take enough photos at the moment.
  23. Spend more time with Maizey - SUCCESS - I definitely spent a good chunk of my time in the past year driving out to my mums to see my little moo. Whenever I go I make sure I give her lots of attention and cuddles to show her how much I love her.
  24. Blog as often as I can - SUCCESS - I averaged about 10 posts a month last year, which I definitely think is pretty good going, there were only three months with below 10 posts
There you have it, I have managed 8/24 of my goals, which may not sound like much, but to even have completed any of these considering how bad my health was last year, I consider it a real success.

My 25 before 25 goals will be up within the next week so do keep your eyes peeled for those. Also let me know in the comments one thing that you would love to do before your next birthday!
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