Friday Favourites #19

Friday, 8 January 2016

This week the internet has brought me a lot of joy, and a lot of funny and cute videos, so of course I just have to share them with all of you!

This video has been everywhere in internetland this week, and if you haven't seen this video, where have you been! This little Raccoon was so happy to be given candyfloss, that didn't last very long though. Watch the video to find out why! Another story was released later in the week to show that the raccoon did get his sweet in the end, so all is well in the world.

Another video making the rounds this week showed what is probably the sorest loser ever to grace Come Dine With Me, Peter Marsh. I don't want to give away too much but you can watch the video here.

Buzzfeed reminded us all of this hilarious Tumblr screenshot, including one of the best Harry Potter related Youtube comments ever... If you don't understand this then you are such a muggle!

Today I came across this heart-warming video about a blind pug who has found his perfect home with a county judge. This little guy is seriously cute and I am so happy for him, he clearly adores his new owner. Watch the video all about him here.

The final video I share with you has to be my favourite thing I have ever seen come out of American Reality TV... This clip is from Lip Sync Battle, and it shows Channing Tatum's wife Jenna Dewan Tatum lip syncing as Channing from Magic Mike XXL... Her moves are ridiculously good, and you everyone is in fits of giggles... I can't watch this without laughing...

So that's what I have enjoyed on the internet this week, what's been your favourite?

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