OBC #12: This Week I've...

Sunday, 12 October 2014

This week has been a fairly quiet one for me, but I did get a fair amount of time to spend on doing some of my favourite things, so this is what I've been up to this week.

I've been reading...

Having seen the trailer for the movie adaptation the last time I went to the cinema, and thinking that it looked interesting, I decided to pick up the book. I have managed to read the entire thing this week, and after a very shaky start, I enjoyed it. I will be writing more about this book once I have been to see the movie, so look out for that.

I've been watching...

Some of my favourite Youtuber Gamers have been playing Alien Isolation this week, and so I decided to go back and watch the entire Alien franchise with Tim. He hadn't ever seen any of the Alien films the whole way through so it was fun watching them again with someone who had no idea what was going to happen. The Aliens for me are some of the scariest creatures in film, and watching the films again has only made me remember how much I loved them the first time.

Last week American Horror Story returned for it's fourth season, and I couldn't have been more excited. This was the first show that Tim and I managed to sit and watch through together, mainly because I normally skip ahead. However I have promised that I won't do that with this show seeing as we love watching it together so much. The season premier certainly wasn't a disappointment, with the correct amount of murder and downright weird goings on to keep us hooked. I'm already anxious to see how next week's episode is going to turn out.

I've been eating...

Tim and I found these in Tesco and they were on offer at the time, and I think we both almost died of excitement. I don't know about you, but Quality streets are some of my favourite chocolates, and the orange and strawberry cremes are by far the best. Every Christmas when there is a big tin  of these for the family to share, we always fight over the orange and strawberry cremes, but now we don't have to. To make these even more interested they have introduced a lemon creme, which in my opinion is equally as good as the other two. I'm hoping that these are not limited edition, because I will be repurchasing them again and again.

I've been playing...

I went to visit my brother yesterday and we wanted to find a game that we could play together. He has a PS4, but only one controller, so we can't really play anything on that. Then I remembered that we had loads of two player games on our old PS2, which we still have. So we plugged it in and dusted off this bad boy of a game. We all took it in turns to play, and honestly it was the most fun I have had playing a console game in a really long time. Although afterwards we all had massive headaches which we thought might have been from the resolution of the game... 

This game is actually a Facebook game, but it's actually a good one. I played this a long, long time ago, and then completely forgot about it, until one of my friends sent me a request for it this week. I started playing it again, and now I am completely addicted... I've also managed to be Tim addicted to ti

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