OBC #9: Throwback Thursday

Thursday, 9 October 2014

I can't believe that it's day 9 of this challenge already, I've really been enjoying getting back into blogging and writing a post every day. I hope you have all enjoyed reading my posts as much as I have enjoyed writing them.

I've never written a Throwback Thursday post before and I was really struggling to chose what to write about. Then as I was flicking through my Facebook photos I found this one, and I realised it's pretty much exactly a year ago since I had this accident. I'm not going to go too much into what happened as at the time I wrote a blog post all about that, which you can find here. To put your mind at ease I will say that I only came away with a small scratch on my hand, so luckily no need for any arm injury claims. What I really want to talk about is why I am thankful that this happened.

First off it made me stop and think about what I was doing with my life and what I wanted to do with it. At the time I was in a part time job, that I loved, but wasn't really giving me much in return, and living at home with my family and arguing a lot with them because I needed my own space. Also I was kind of dating but not really dating someone who I was adamant that I just wanted to be friends with, even though I knew he wanted more.

So what's changed since then?

Well first off I stopped messing around the guy I was dating, and I decided that life's too short. He seemed to really like me, and I liked him albeit as a friend at the time. I thought why not give him a shot? I had been pretty unlucky with relationships ever since my 'big split' and the guys I was picking weren't really making the grade. So why not go out with a guy who picked me, and see how I got on.

Well as you may or may not know, I know live with this guy, and honestly I couldn't hope for a better boyfriend. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary on the 13th of October, and I couldn't be more pleased. This is only my second relationship to hit the one year mark, and honestly it's been so easy. We get on like a house on fire, and I hope to be sitting here the same time next year, looking forward to our two year anniversary!

Secondly, as mentioned above, I moved out of my mum's house. This was an absolutely massive step for both Tim and I, for him it was his first time living away from home, and for me, it was the chance to get the space I really needed. It was also a massive gamble for our relationship and we didn't really know what it would be like to live together. Thankfully I can say that we get on amazingly well, and barely argue, we are the perfect house mates, and our relationship has only grown stronger since living together.

Finally I have made plans to work towards the career that I want. Unfortunately I am unable to implement these plans just yet, but by mid next year, they should be in motion!

All in all I am a pretty different person to who I was a year ago, and I can probably thank my car accident for that. I know it seems like a strange thing to be thankful for, but without it I would probably still be stuck where I was. Barely living, and simply existing. I'm thankful for my car accident because now I truly am LIVING my life.

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  1. What a lovely post! Obviously not so much the accident obviously but where you life has turned since.
    I too moved in with my other half quite early but we've just passed our 3 year anniversary so it's not a bad thing to leap in! haha

    Happy Anniversary to you guys for the 13th, heres to many more.

    Best wishes, Danielle xo

    1. Thank you so much! Glad to hear you and your other half are going strong! Me and my boyfriend figured that we might as well take the leap because if you don't try you never know I guess!

