Epic Disney Tag

Saturday, 11 April 2015

It's been ages since I have done a good tag, and what with the recent release of Disney's Cinderella, I thought it was about time I had a go at a Disney related tag post! I found this one online and it's called the 'Epic Disney Tag' and it questions you about all the things you love about Disney. Now we all know that I was brought up on Disney and it is very dear to my heart, so why not share more about me with you all?

1. A Scene in any Disney movie you wish you could experience?

This is a seriously tough one, as there are so many scenes that I would love to experience... Although now I am thinking about it I cannot get the lantern scene from Tangled out of my head... To be on a boat in the middle of a lake, watching thousands of lanterns decorate the sky, with my true love by my side... what could be more dreamy?

2. An unforgettable moment you've had at one of the parks?

This is not necessarily a happy memory for me, but it's one that makes me laugh every time I think about it. When I was seven I went to Disneyland Paris with my family and my dad took me on the Ghost ride, I can't even remember what it was called, but looking into it I think it was the Phantom Manor. So I went on this ride as a seven year old girl, and let just say I was terrified... no not terrified, traumatised. Anyway when I finally got off of the ride my teeth wouldn't stop chattering, like you know in old school cartoons how when a character is scared their teeth chatter... yep... I was literally straight out of an episode of Scooby-doo! AND they wouldn't stop for another 30 minutes after... silly me eh?

3. What non-disney song brings back disney memories for you? 

This one is a tough one to be honest and nothing springs to mind...

4. When was the first time you went to a Disney park?

As above. When I was seven years old I was lucky enough to go to Disneyland Paris, and I have been since then (despite numerous efforts).

5. If you could chose any Disney character to be your best friend, who would it be?

It would have to be Anna from Frozen, me and her are like two sandwiches in a picnic basket! 

6. Who is your favourite Disney Princess?

Probably Tiana from Princess and the Frog. Her hard working attitude is one that I myself share, and I've always gone through life believing that nothing is greater than something that you have worked hard for and earned yourself! 

7. Name a scene/moment from a Disney film that makes you cry without fail?

There are honestly a million scenes in Disney that make me cry, what can I say? I'm an emotional lady... but if I had to pick one it would definitely be the scene in Wall-E when EVE installs a new chip in him, and for a moment you really believe that his character has been completely lost... I blub like a baby at that moment without fail...

8. Your favourite Disney movie?

I have many, as do most Disney fans. I couldn't pick just one, even if I tried. In fact I have been sitting staring into space for the last 20 minutes trying to think of one, and that just goes to show how hard it is...

9. The most overrated Disney movie?

Frozen without a doubt, but it still happens to be one of my absolute favourites! I understand there are a million people out there wishing that the Frozen hype would just die... I however chose to embrace it!

10. The most underrated Disney movie?

Without a doubt The Fox and Hound... I LOVE that movie. I was obsessed with it when I was a kid, and yet I speak to so many people who like Disney, but have never even watched it! It saddens me that people tend to overlook it.

11. Favourite Disney Song?

Another seriously tough one... therefore I MUST name a few:
  • I Just Can't Wait to be King - The Lion King
  • Be Our Guest - Beauty and the Beast
  • Part of That World - The Little Mermaid
12. Least Favourite Disney Movie?

Probably Pinocchio, I don't think I have ever seen it the whole way thorough...

13. Most memorable Disney villain?

Ursula is definitely a contender... As is Maleficent.

14. Favourite Classic Disney vs your favourite Modern Disney?

My favourite Classic has to be Aladdin, mum says I used to sit in front of it all the time when I was a kid. My favourite modern Disney is probably Frozen, but I honestly couldn't pick between the two in a fight!

15. Favourite Disney Score?

Hands down Frozen, it's the only score that I can sit down and listen to the whole way through without getting distracted!
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  1. Great post I love Disney and one and I love be our guest as beauty and the beast is one of my Favourite films

  2. Phantom Manor is quite scary when you are 7. Have you ever been on Tower of Terror? Scared my son senseless and he was 13!

  3. Such a great post, The Lion King has and always will be my favourite x
