November Goals

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Way back at the beginning of October, I started a Blog Challenge, and the first day's prompt was to make some goals for the month. I enjoyed doing that so much that I thought I would do that again this month!

Here are what last month's goals were:
  1. Complete the blog challenge: I managed to post 22/31 days of the challenge, which considering before last month I had been posting maybe once a month, was pretty darn good!
  2. Keep Up my Youtube Channel: I was going strong on this but managed to let it slip for the last few weeks, I have lots of videos planned though so watch this space.
  3. Pick up my diet again: I actually managed this goal! However have now changed my mind about it due to starting a new job.
  4. Read one book: I did this too, and I read TWO books, surpassing my goal.
  5. Handle my Gerbils: I am no closer towards this goal, but I really want to work hard at it.

And here are my goals for this month:

  1. Start posting Youtube videos every Friday again: Pretty self-explanatory
  2. Don't put on any weight: I have decided to stop dieting until I settle properly into my job, this may change, but for now it's something extra I don't want to bother with.
  3. Try hard to handle my Gerbils: I'll admit I barely tried to do this last month, this month however, I'm getting on it.
  4. Write weekly Thankful lists/diaries: This is something I should really do more often, and I want to pick it up again.
  5. Keep up with my new cleaning schedule: My boyfriend and I have decided to start a cleaning schedule (because we were leaving it until the last minute) and I am determined to make it work!
If all goes to plan, I want to have at least three of these completed, but we won't see how I've done until the same time next month!
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