10 Days of Me: Four Books

Sunday, 22 February 2015

I really struggled with what to write for this prompt, especially seeing as I already wrote a Wishlist Wednesday Post containing books that I wanted to read... Instead I thought I would talk to you about the four most recent books I have read (including one I am currently reading).

I picked this one up before Christmas last year when I went through a little bit of an obsession with books centred around baking/cooking. This book is about a cookery school in Italy and the four women who attend the school one summer, and how their journey unfolds. All of the women are from very different backgrounds, and are at very different stages in their life, and there is plenty of drama that unfolds. This is definitely a good one to be reading if you are wander-lusting over Italy, but I warn you it will make you want to go away 1000% more!

We all know that Mary Berry is my absolute idol, so it was a no brainer for me to read her autobiography, it was so interesting, and in places heartbreaking to read about her life. Honestly this book made me love Mary so much more, having met her myself (only briefly for a book signing), and can say hand on heart that I am so glad that she is my idol. I remember when I was younger in school we would be asked who we looked up to/idolised, and I couldn't think of anyone that way, so would always just pick my favourite celebrity at the time. Now I do have an idol, and she is an absolute cracker!

I have wanted to read this book for so long, and I've had it sitting on my shelf waiting for me to get around to it. Then when I started my course a couple of weeks ago I decided that it would be my travelling read. I read it in a day... I couldn't put it down, it was so beautiful and sad at the same time. I have a new appreciation for Chickens I can tell you that much.

I used to watch Alex Day's videos all the time (pre-scandal), and when he announced I was writing a book I must say I was intrigued. When I found out the premise of the book I was much less interested. Then Alex released a video of him reading a chapter from the book, and it peaked my interest again. When I found out he was going to be releasing the book himself (due to losing publishers over 'the scandal') I thought I would give it a go. I haven't finished the book yet, it is a lengthy read to say the least, much like Alex himself it seems to drivel on in places, but I have been surprised by it. On one hand I really enjoy parts of the books, it's funny, and intriguing, and then in other parts I feel I want to throw it out of the train window, much how I used to feel when watching Alex's videos. 

So there you have it folks, my four most recently read books. I really must knuckle down if I am to reach my target of reading 25 books this year, because so far I am on 1 and 2/3rds... 

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