Wishlist Wednesday: Books I want to Read

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

I happened to have some free time yesterday whilst I was waiting for Tim to pick me up, I decided to wander into Waterstones. Now whenever I am in a book shop I end up wanting to buy everything in sight, and it took some immense self control for me to come away from there without buying a single book. 

When I got home though,  I couldn't help but have a browse on Amazon, and I found a whole host of books that I am desperate to read...

1. Faery Tales by Carol Ann Duffy
2. The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton
3. The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell
4. The Mermaids Sister by Carrie Anne Noble
5. The Lottle Shop of Hopes and Dream by Fiona Harper
6. Fur Coat No Knickers by C. B. Martin
7. The Silent Girls by Eric Rickstad
8. The Ward by S. L. Grey
9. Blood Reaction by D.L. Atha

Let me know in the comments if there are any books that you are currently listing after! 
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  1. Thanks for sharing your list, I want to read more but can't find enough hours in the day to do it all! x

  2. I'm not the biggest book reader tbh, takes a lot for a book to capture me in, plus I don't even have the time to read! X
