250 Blog Followers! What would you like to see me giveaway?

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Way back at the beginning of January, yes I say 'way back' I can't believe we are in March already! Anyhow I am getting off track... Way back in January I set my blogging resolutions for the year, you can check out the original post here.

Never in a million years did I expect that a mere two months later, that I would be writing a post to say that I have already reached one of those goals, and one that I really didn't expect to reach so quickly!

The goal I am talking about of course was to reach 250 bloglovin' followers by the end of 2015, and here I am sitting on 290 followers, and I am completely overwhelmed. Not only have I reached my target, but I have gone above it. Thank you so much to every single person that follows me, it means the absolute world to me.

Now I want to give something back to you! I will be hosting a 250 followers giveaway, but first I want to know what YOU want to be given away, so I have added a poll below for you to add your input. This poll will run until the end of March, and then the giveaway will run for the month of April, so go ahead and tell me what YOU want.

Once again, thank you so much for the support, I love each and every one of you!

What would you like to see me giveaway?

LUSH Goodies
Makeup Revolution Goodies
£20 Amazon Voucher
Poll Maker
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  1. Congratulations on getting 250 followers!x

  2. Big well done on 290 Bloglovin followers. Here's to another 290+!

  3. Well done on reaching and surpassing your goal. Imagine how many you will have by the end of the year.


  4. Woo =] congrats! You deserve it.

