Wishlist Wednesday: Makeup Books

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

As I have only just started out my career as a makeup artist I still have so much to learn, so I thought I'd take a look at expanding my selection of makeup books. I managed to find plenty that I want to add to my collection, now the hard part is going to be deciding which ones to get first...

  1. Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual
  2. Face to Face by Scott Barnes
  3. A Complete Guide to Special Effects Makeup by Tokyo SFX Makeup Workshop
  4. The Hair and Makeup Artists Handbook by Beverly Braisdell
  5. Makeup is Art by The Academy of Freelance Makeup
  6. The Makeup Artists Handbook by Gretchen Davis
  7. Special Makeup Effects for Stage and Screen: Making and Applying Prosthetics
  8. Mind Blowing Makeup in Special Effects
  9. Period Makeup for Studio, Stage and Screen by Kit Spencer
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  1. I'd love that Bobbi Brown one, it seems to be the one everyone recommends. I love Kevyn Aucoin's books, just love the way he worked and the photographs are gorgeous even if a little dated.

  2. I love Bobbi Brown. I'll have to check out their manual. I've also always wanted to try special effects make-up so I'd love to read the book.
