A Day Out in Brighton...

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

I happened to mention to Tim the other day that we hadn't yet managed to do anything for summer, so we decided maybe we should spend a day at the beach. I have wanted to visit Brighton for as long as I can remember and despite holidaying ever year in my youth only a short while up the coast from it, I had never been! 

Sunday we decided on the spur of the moment to just up and go down there, so armed with a picnic blanket and a towel we set off. There was so much that I wanted to see that we didn't manage, so we have decided to go again for a whole weekend next time!

I was so excited to get my beach on during our car journey!

Tim and I basking in the sunlight, you know there is no one I would rather spend a day with than him...

We wandered on over to Choccywoccydoodah and the cakes on display were seriously amazing, I fell in love with this white rose and cherub cake... If I ever get married then I want something like this.

They also had these cute child's birthday cakes with little ducks on, how impressive are these?

We managed to wander onto the pier and spent some time in the arcade, I managed to win myself a stuffed Sven the Reindeer (Frozen), much to Tim's surprise as he said he has NEVER seen anyone win on a claw machine before.

All in all I had an amazing day, have you ever been to Brighton?

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