Gaming Diaries #3

Thursday, 9 July 2015

I wondered how long it would be before Hidden Object Games came back into my life... They are an obsession of mine to be honest, something about the creepy story lines and puzzles just really gets me... So much so that I normally finish one of these games in one sitting, because I get so obsessed with the story!

'Dark Parables: Queen of Sands is the ninth game in the Dark Parablesfranchise. The game takes place in Provence, France. As the Fairytale Detective, we must investigate nightmarish creatures laying siege to the town of Montafleur and uncover the secrets of the Queen of Sands, herself.
The game is based on the mythological figure of the Sandman and the French fairytale Beauty and the Beast'
This was the second ever Dark Parables game I had ever played, however as I haven't played them in order I realised there were a small notes about the other games, but overall that didn't really effect my experience of the game. Although I think if I play another Dark Parables game I would go back and make sure that I played them in order. The puzzles were good, they weren't too difficult, which sometimes annoys me with these kinds of games! Overall this one was a great game...
'All the adults have vanished. Is it a child's dream, or nightmare? You wake on the morning of your birthday to find that things aren't at all the way you pictured for your sweet 16. Can you find out what's happened overnight to turn your world upside down? From Elephant Games comes the continuation of the popular and edgy Surface series. Unlock the Secret Room, where you'll find more hidden-object and mini-game play. But be careful what you wish for...'
This was the first time I encountered a 'Surface' game, and this is the seventh in the series. Thankfully though each game seems to stand on it's own, as there wasn't anything in this that I missed by having not played the other games. This one was much creepier than the Dark Parables one, which makes the game all the better for me. The puzzles in this one were great, again not to difficult, but difficult enough to give your brain a workout! I really enjoyed this one, and I am going to be going back through and playing all the surface games when I get a chance!
'Vendel Games is back once again to prove that nothing quenches the fiery Spirit of Revenge! This time, you’ll have to follow a maze of palace intrigue to root out the truth. Play as a maid of honor at Queen Elizabeth the First’s court, with none other than the mischievous Francis Drake as your sidekick! But this game’s not just for history buffs. Bring your sense of humor and quest for adventure on this fun trip into the Elizabethan past!'
Another first for me in 'Spirit of Revenge' this is the second instalment in the series, but as with the 'Surface' game it was a stand alone game, and you don't really miss anything for not playing them in order. This one was probably my favourite of the games that I have played this week, it had the perfect amount of ghostly-ness, with the right balance of puzzles and hidden object areas. I would definitely go back and play the first game in this series.
Have you ever played any Hidden Object Games, if so which is your favourite?

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