Beauty Besties: Beauty I wish to Improve on

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Happy Saturday every one and welcome back to Beauty Besties, where each week I link up with my lovely blog friend Kerrie of Pish, Posh and Polish. Kerrie chose this weeks theme which is 'Beauty Bucketlist' of things you wish you could improve on, don't forget to check out her post here.

Now there was really only one thing that sprung to my mind with this topic... my hair! Now don't get me wrong there are things I love about my hair, mainly it's colour. However I struggle so much to style my hair in any way shape or form... If you'd like to know more please watch the video below, or skip ahead if you prefer.

Like most people I have a Pinterest board dedicated to beautiful hair and hairstyles, all of which I wish I could recreate on my own unruly mop... like this for example:

From now on, once a month I will be trying out a Pinterest hair tutorial on myself, in the hopes that it broadens my hair horizons, and that I too can hair gorgeous hair that takes people's breath away! Well not literally... The post will go live the first Tuesday of every month (fingers crossed).

If you have any suggestions for Pinterest Hair tutorials then please comment them below and I will have a look through.
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